Monday, September 30, 2019

John Lock’Es View on Innate Knowledge Essay

John Locke, a renowned English philosopher in the seventeenth century, argued against the pre-existing prevalent belief of innate knowledge, such as those led by Descartes. Many of Locke’s arguments begin with criticisms on philosophers’ opinion on innate knowledge, notably Descartes. Therefore, many of Locke’s arguments are direct rebuttals of Descartes and other philosophers’ beliefs about the existence of innate knowledge. To arrive at the conclusion that innate knowledge is impossible, Locke comes with various premises and rebuttals that add weight to his arguments. First, Locke emphasizes that knowledge and ideas are learned through experience, not innately. He argues that people’s minds at birth are ‘blank slate’ that is later filled through experience. Here, the ‘senses’ play an important role because ‘the knowledge of some truths, as Locke confesses, is very in the mind; but in a way that shows them not to be innate’. By this, Locke argues that some ideas are actually in the mind from an early age but these ideas are furnished by the senses starting in the womb. For example, the color blue and the  Ã¢â‚¬Ëœblueness’ of something is not that which is learned innately but is some is learned through exposures to a blue object or thing. So if we do have a universal understanding of ‘blueness’, it is because we are exposed to blue objects ever since we were young. The blue sky is what many would acquaint with blue easily and at a young age. Second, Locke argues that people have no innate principles. Locke contended that innate principles rely upon innate ideas within people but such innate ideas do not exist. He says this on the basis that there is no ‘universal consent’ that everyone agrees upon. Locke quotes that ‘There is nothing more commonly taken for granted that there are certain principles universally agreed upon by all mankind, but there are none to which all mankind give a universal assent’. This argues against the very foundation of the idea of innate knowledge because principles that garner universal assent are thought to be known innately, simply because it is the best explanation available. However, it cannot even be an explanation for such belief because no ‘universal consent’ exists. Rationalists argue that there are in fact some principles that are universally agreed upon, such as the principle of identity. But it is far-fetched to claim that everyone knows this principle of identity because for the least, children and idiots, the less-intelligent ones are not acquainted with it. There are several objections to these premises and arguments that are outlined above. The argument by Locke that there are some ideas that are in the mind at an early age gives credence to argument for the innate ideas. For ideas to be furnished by the senses later on there has to be ideas that are laid as foundations. If such ideas are innate, as acknowledged by Locke, no matter how trivial or less significant these ideas may be as one may argue, such claim could give weight to the idea of innate knowledge. Innate knowledge or ideas, after all, doesn’t imply that all ideas are innate because as one can see, there are things that we learn through our experiences and encounters in life as well. So as long as there is even the basic principle that is innate early in life, then innate knowledge can be known to exist. The validity behind the claim that there is no ‘universal consent’ is also questionable. Locke argues that no principle that all mankind agrees upon exists because there are those who are not acquainted with such principle, notably children and idiots. However, the terms children and idiots are somewhat misguided. How are children and especially the idiots categorized? Is there a specific criteria used for those who are classified as idiots? It is hard to generalize that idiots or those who are deemed less intelligent are not acquainted with certain principles because at times, intelligence is not the best indicator of someone’s knowledge or ideas. There are many intelligent people out there who take their status for granted and do not think, contemplate or make an effort to their best extent. The objections that are made against the initial arguments can be defended in certain ways. Regarding the objection that since there are innate ideas in the mind at an early age, innate knowledge exists, the term ‘innate’ should be thought of again in greater detail. Innate knowledge has to be significant enough for us to recount to be considered such. Thus, there comes a risk with considering the ideas within our minds early on as innate. For example, the knowledge of our hands and feet maybe imbedded to us at a very early stage. The knowledge of using our hands and feet are not so significant. The knowledge that we gain through our use of hands and feet could be vital knowledge that we may recount throughout. Throwing a baseball properly under a coach’s instructions is an example. Also, there is the claim that intelligence cannot be the sole indicator of one’s acquisition of ‘universal consent’ and that there isn’t a clear distinction of those who can understand universal principles to those who cannot. However, the important focus here should not be on defining ‘idiots’ and intelligence but on that universal consent is hard to be assembled by every single mankind. Therefore, more should be considered than just innate knowledge that could garner universal consent. Empirical principles that are derived from experience could garner universal assent too. For example, the fear of ‘dying’ or ‘getting seriously injured’ could mean that people would not jump out the roof from tall buildings. And this belief could be universal among all.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Psychological review Essay

This interesting movie had many twist and turns that always kept you on the edge of your seat. The mysterious ending could have been interrupted in a variety of different views depending on the person watching the movie. The psychological role of the movie was tremendous, with patients ranging from paranoid schizophrenia to multiple personality disorders. The patients in the Manhattan Institute are suffering from various different disorders. The patient Prot was a delusional person that also suffered from PTSD. He thinks he’s from another planet, and many other of the patients are starting to believe him. Bess is another patient that is in a state of depression called paraiod schizophrenia and psychotic depression. Maria is a patient that is suffering from Multiple Personality Order. Her personalities vary form one to another. Howie is a patient that is on tranquilizers, and he has a desire for perfection. He spends most his time reading dictionaries and encyclopedias which enables him in his mind to speak without any mistakes. Prot is to be said from another planet, K-Pax. The evidence that is supporting his statement would be numerous events in the movie. First, he gave an entire map of his solar system and the exact coordinates. It was an amazing discovery that no other astronomer has yet discovered in our time. Next would be when the scientist said that Prot could see ultraviolet light, no human being can see this light. Also when Prot talked to the doctor’s dog about the kids sneaking up on the dog that the dog did not like that and the dog told him that which he talked to the kids about not sneaking up on the dog from the left side because he was hard of hearing in that ear. Prot said that he was going on a trip to Iceland and Greenland. The doctor didn’t believe him but Prot was missing for a couple of days. When he said he was going back to his planet at that exact time and date, a light came into the room and messed up all the security systems. Also Bess was missing because he said he was going to take one person back with him. After this incident Prot didn’t have to wear his sunglasses, and didn’t talk at all. All of the other patients didn’t recognize him at all. Also where Robert Potter lived near Roswell, New Mexico, which is a place where aliens have been spotted. Also after Robert killed the rapist and murderer he went down to kill himself in the river. The movie never really gives you the exact answer you are looking for as far as if he was an alien or not, it leaves the viewer to determine their own answer. All in All, k-pax is still one of my favorite movies just because of the psychological elements behind it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Science ; Future

Much of what IVe said would seem uncontroversial or even platitudinous to the scientifically-attuned audiences here in Newcastle this week. But there's one thing that scientific advisors in any democratic system must not forget. When really big and long-term policies are in contention – whether about nuclear weapons, nuclear power, drug classification, or health risks – political decisions are seldom purely scientific: they involve ethics, economics and social policies as well.Such discussions hould engage all of us, as citizens – and of course our elected representatives. Sometimes this has happened, and constructively too. The dialogue with parliamentarians led, despite divergent ethical stances, to a generally-admired legal framework on embryos and stem cells – a contrast to what happened in the US. And Lisa Jardine has chaired the HFEA, another fine precedent. But we've had failures too: the GM crop debate was left too late – to a time when opin ion was already polarised between eco-campaigners on the one side and commercial interests on the other.Scientists have a special responsibility to engage – though they should accept that on the economic, social and ethical aspects of any policy they speak as citizens and not as experts. But despite many worthy efforts, there are habitual grumbles that such inputs don't have much traction with politicians. For them, the urgent trumps the important. The local trumps the global. And getting re-elected trumps almost everything. Anything that gets headlined in the media, or makes their postbag bulge, will get attention.It's volume not quality that counts. So scientists might have more leverage on politicians indirectly – by publicising their research and letting the media do the campaigning – rather than by more official and direct channels. This is one reason – over and above the general cultural value of our findings – why â€Å"outreach† by s cientists is important. And there are special things universities teachers can do. We're privileged to have influence over successive generations of students.We should try to sensitise them to the issues that will confront them in their careers – ndeed, polls show, unsurprisingly, that younger people who expect to survive most of the century, are more engaged and anxious about long-term issues. We fret too much about minor hazards of everyday life: improbable air crashes, carcinogens in food, low radiation doses, and so forth. But the wide public is in denial about two kinds of threats: those that we're causing collectively to the biosphere, and those that stem from the greater vulnerability of our interconnected world to error or terror induced by individuals or small groups.The issues impel us to plan internationally (for nstance, whether or not a pandemic gets global grip may hinge, for instance, on how quickly a Vietnamese poultry farmer can report any strange sickness). And many of them – energy and climate change, for instance, involve multi-decade timescales – plainly far outside the â€Å"comfort zone† of most politicians. One issue that should be addressed is whether nations need to give up more sovereignty to new organisations along the lines of IAEA, WHO, etc.Final message Unlike our 17th century forebears who I cited at the beginning of this talk, we know a reat deal about our world – and indeed about what lies beyond. Technologies that our ancestors couldn't nave conceived enrich our lives and our understanding. Many phenomena still make us fearful, but the advance of science spares us from irrational dread. We know that we are stewards of a precious â€Å"pale blue dot† in a vast cosmos – a planet with a future measured in billions of years, whose fate depends on humanitys collective actions. But all too often the focus is parochial and short term.We downplay what's happening even now in impoverish ed far-away countries. And we discount too heavily the problems we'll leave for our grandchildren. We can truly be techno-optimists. But the intractable politics and sociology – the gap between potentialities and what actually happens – engenders pessimism. We need a change in priorities and perspective – and soon – if we are to navigate the challenges of the 21st century: to share the benefits of globalisation, to prioritise clean energy, and sustainable agriculture; and to handle the Promethian challenge posed by ever more powerful technology.To survive this century, we'll need the idealistic and effective efforts of natural scientists, environmentalists, social scientists and humanists. They must be guided by the insights that 21st century science will offer, but inspired by values that science itself can't provide. And I give the last word to a great scientist who was himself once the president of the BA – the biologist Peter Medawar: The bells that toll for mankind are like the bells of Alpine cattle. They are attached to our own necks, and it must be our fault if they do not make a tuneful and melodious sound.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Read an article about how Hackers Broaden Their Attacks Against Essay

Read an article about how Hackers Broaden Their Attacks Against Business Organization and write a 2 page response - Essay Example Lockheed is a major information and defense technology supplier to the federal government. After a few days, the renowned broadcaster PBS also faced a serious cyber attack. In the words of Worthen et al (2011), â€Å"Over the weekend, the website for the PBS show "NewsHour" was altered by hackers to include a fake article claiming that rapper Tupac Shakur, who was murdered 15 years ago, was alive in New Zealand. The hackers also posted login information that stations and other entities use to access PBS sites.† In the article, the writers have further pointed out that the hackers generally used to target corporations, which stored and managed secret government information or critical financial data. Hyundai Card/ Hyundai Capital Co., Epsilon, EMC Corp., etc. had been victims of such attacks. But of late, the hackers are targeting corporate secrets, media operations, and other sorts of diverse information security implementations too. The situation is changing rapidly, and the CEOs, CIOs, and CTOs of different organizations are facing unexpected challenges in the sphere of IT security.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What Clausewitz would say about the strategies we are currently using Research Paper

What Clausewitz would say about the strategies we are currently using in the Global War on Terrorism - Research Paper Example The State Department defines terrorism as â€Å"the use or threatened use of violence for political purposes to create a state of fear that will aid in extorting, coercing, intimidating, or otherwise causing individuals or groups to alter their behavior† He wrote the book On War which was published only after his death. Translated into almost all the major languages, the book has been controversially interpreted in various ways by different authors. Clausewitz emphasized the traditional approach to war. He advocated combining the will of a nation with its resources and the efforts of the citizens in an immense campaign to defeat an enemy through warfare towards resolute conclusions. It is important to examine whether Clausewitz’s concepts on the essentials of war can be applied to the global war against terrorism. â€Å"Terrorists are not guerillas or irregulars who conduct unconventional warfare against recognized military targets for political purposes†2. Being no match for conventional armies, terrorists avoid a massive confrontion. They employ asymmetrical warfare through uncustomary means such as suicide attacks, to conduct illegal attacks against primarily civilian targets for political reasons. Terrorists operate in secrecy, Their objective is to compel legitimate political systems to change their policies, in order to gain unlawful advantages. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Clausewitz’s ideas on war are concurrent with the strategies employed in the global war on terrorism. Clausewitz’s Ideas: Whether Applicable to Global War on Terrorism Carl von Clausewitz’s key ideas include the following concepts: the purpose of diplomacy is for imposing a nation’s will on the enemy, war is essentially the pursuit of diplomacy through a different method, armies of citizens fighting for their country show greater determination than professional soldiers figting to gain new territory, to be victorio us in war, a nation must take risks and act boldly, and aggressors would prefer to take over another country unopposed rather than engage in conflict3. The State Department defines terrorism as â€Å"the use or threatened use of violence for political purposes to create a state of fear that will aid in extorting, coercing, intimidating, or otherwise causing individuals or groups to alter their behavior†4. Terrorists do not comply with the laws of war nor do they wear uniforms like regular soldiers. Terrorism is predominantly a form of political violence, and the purpoes of all terrorists is the same, in that they try to impose their will by force. Hence, terrorism is not confined to thugs and outlaws; international terrorism is a generic type of aggression towards realizing political goals through the threat of harm and destruction. Although terrorism frequently appears mindless, this is most often not the case. It is a means to an end, to change unacceptable circumstances th rough violence, and is not an end in itself. The source of terrorism which is a form of political violence lies in the basic structure of contemporary international politics. Structural terrorism contributes to the prevalence of terrorism by promoting the use of fear and violence for achieving political goals. The growth and spread or terrorism in its present day manifestations may be perceived as a new form of coercion. Thus global terrorism is not an accepted part of the rules and customs of international behavior. This violent creation of prevailing global cirumstances is â€Å"a product of the attributes of the global environment that came into being with the creation and spread of nuclear weapons – and the fear they elicit†5. Thus, terrorism has grown into a predominant means for international and intranational conflict resolution. Prior to 2006, the Pentagon leadership failed

660 questions 11 and 12 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

660 questions 11 and 12 - Assignment Example s in exchange to the things of value, such as rewards, praise, resources or avoidance of disciplinary action; so that they move towards achieving the goals of both the leader and followers (Sashkin and Sashkin, 2003). The difficulties and complications associated with the present state of affairs are explained to the followers. Then, the leaders urge the followers’ value system for bringing about the change. Thus, an emotional bond between the two is formed in transformational leadership. Such bondage ensures long term success to the leader. However, transactional leaders do not address such emotional or personal issues of followers, but motivate them to achieve the required goals in return to a reward or in order to avoid punishment. The emotional bondage is missing and is based on the positional power and influence of leader. The efforts of leaders only gain short term benefits (Hughes and Curphy, 2012). Transformational leaders are visionary and are skilled in creating lasting impressions, thus, exhibit certain leadership capabilities. This clear expression or possession of leadership skills is not found in transactional leaders. Transformational leaders also help the followers draw up a link between the solutions to their individual setbacks and the organizational goals. In the course of leadership, the followers are encouraged to actively participate in the transformational processes and empowered to grow into leaders in future. In contrast, though the benefits accorded to followers motivate the latter to improve their performance, the resultant positive energy is not completely employed towards organization in the upcoming period, as the leaders are not skillful and visionary enough to make such an attempt (Hughes and Curphy, 2012). Both transactional and transformational leaders focus on leader and member exchange, be it the things of value in the former case or emotional exchanges in the latter form. Both the forms of leaders appeal to the needs of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Child Labour in Bangladesh Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Child Labour in Bangladesh - Essay Example Workers are oftentimes forced to work long hours in unsafe working conditions for little pay and some are forced to start working at a very young age. I will argue whether sweatshops actually raise the standard of living in third world countries, if in fact unfair working conditions are better than no job at all, or if sweatshops are merely exploitation When the terms â€Å"sweatshop† and/or â€Å"child labour† are used, there are a host of images that come to the readers mind. The broad majority of these are of course negative; however, a few scant positive opportunities exist with relation to the term as well. For purposes of this research, this brief analysis essay will consider some of the most relevant pros and cons associated with the existence and operation of sweatshops within the developing world. Furthermore, this paper will also seek to engage the reader with the understanding that regardless of the level of exploitation or non-exploitation that may or may not be taking place within the supply chains of many Multi-National Corporations. As such, this essay will attempt to weight both sides of these arguments in an attempt to determine whether exploitation of vulnerable/at-risk individuals and/or societies defines the means or production across the board or whether this means of production actually helps to raise the standard of living in some of the poorest and most economically depressed regions of the world (Ray & Chatterjee, 2012). As a means of fully understanding this question, this author will first consider the fact that almost invariably when one mentions the down sides of child/sweat shop labour, the phrase itself is nearly invariably used in conjunction with child-labour. Although this is not the case in all situations, the two terms have become so interchangeably used so as to oftentimes blur the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Architecture and the Environment Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Architecture and the Environment Paper - Essay Example Narrow rooms with low ceilings make people feel suffocated. People feel uneasy being in such places. On the other hand, voluminous rooms with high ceilings lend a sense of freedom and openness to the people. If the employees in an office are granted separate rooms with boundaries between adjacent rooms, they feel more relaxed as compared to being in the room where there are several employees with no walls marking the boundaries of their spaces. Hence, they tend to be more careful and reserved when they cough, sneeze, or even talk over the mobile phone than when granted individual rooms. The environmental psychological implications of commercial and residential design, including purpose and considerations â€Å"Environmental psychology is a science that studies how human behavior is influenced by the environment. The environment in this context comprises social, natural, constructed, learning and information settings† (Tipton, 2012). The environmental psychological implications of the commercial design include but are not limited to privacy and noise pollution. People don’t like to live in places where there are a lot of shops because such places remain crowded, and are not very peaceful. The commercial design should be such that it should provide the customers with appropriate parking spaces so that they do not park their cars in front of others’ homes. The commercial design should allow for the construction of toilets. The acoustical design of a cinema or club needs to be designed properly so as to ensure that the sound does not pass through the walls to reach the people living in the surroundings of the building. The environmental psychological implications of the residential design are numerous. The biggest concern in the residential design is privacy. For example, the window sills in the toilets should be high enough to block external viewers from looking inside the toilet. The windows in the rooms should be located such that the conten ts of the room are not visible to the neighbors. The exterior paint of the house should be attuned to the general trend, or it looks odd and destroys the color theme of the area. The purpose of providing windows in homes is both ventilation and illumination of the rooms with natural light, but when these windows become the unintended means to sneak into the neighbors’ private life, their change of location must be considered or may be demanded by the neighbors seriously. â€Å"Architects are practical visionaries with an ability to project possibilities and to connect knowledge with action† (Glyphis, 2001, p. 10). It is the responsibility of an architect to make environmentally responsible design in all sorts of construction works. The importance of architectural development supporting sustainable development Architectural development supporting sustainable development is a topic of immense importance in the present age where people are concerned about running short of natural resources, and the increase of global warming, and where living green is encouraged at all levels. Construction, whether residential or commercial, is one of the main areas where natural resources are required. Architecture creates several challenges for sustainability. It

Monday, September 23, 2019

UAE and Oman labour laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

UAE and Oman labour laws - Essay Example UAE and Oman Labour Laws UAE is the second biggest by population in the GCC and the second biggest economy of the region and transshipment hub. It is the largest gas exporter in the world. On the other hand, Oman is relatively poor in the region and relies on the mineral industry. However, nationalization is highest in this country. The GCC countries have categorized employment visa into to maid visa, farming visa, and employment visa. A common feature in the region is that farmers and housemaids are not part of the labor laws. Officials issue employment visa to establishments and companies and bases it on the size and the company’s capital. ‘Hire and fire’ is the underlying principle of GCC countries (Latham & Watkins, 2009). These countries have nevertheless failed in establishing standards for migrant workers that are intentionally acceptable. Most of the GCC countries’ labor and immigration laws are famous for enhancing and validate inhuman treatment to wards migrant workers. For instance, the Khiraj (exit permit) is a requirement for employees who want to leave the region. The employer must grant the employee permission to leave the country. This is a common practice in the region with the exception of UAE and Kuwait. The employees do not have freedom to change their jobs unless they receive permission from their present employers (Latham & Watkins, 2009). Comparison of the UAE and Oman Labor Laws Statutory Authority In the UAE Federal Law No. 8 of 1980, Regulatory Labour Law Relations govern labor matters, which are simply the Labour Laws. In this country, the Ministry of Labour is the one charged with the responsibility of dealing with labour matters. While in Oman, regulation of labour matters are by Sultan’s Decree No. 35/2003. The state recently amended the statute in October 2011 by Royal Decree No. 113/2011. Unlike the UAE, in Oman the Ministry of Manpower is in charge of labor matters (Latham & Watkins, 2009). Worki ng hours Under the UAE Labour Law, eight hours is the set maximum working hours per day for an adult employee. After five consecutive hours of work, an employee gets to have a rest break. The working week is made of six days. On the other hand, for the Oman Labour Law provides for a five-day working week. The maximum working hours in a week are 45 hours (article 68 of the Oman Labour Law) as opposed to the 48 hours in the UAE (Latham & Watkins, 2009). The daily working hours for each employee is nine hours. During the month of Ramadan, the set maximum working hours per week are 30 hours per week. This means that one has to work for only five hours per day. Contrary to this, the UAE Labour Law sets 36 hours per week as the maximum working hours during the month of Ramadan (Latham & Watkins, 2009). However, the maximum number of hours worked per day is the same for both countries. About overtime, in accordance to the Oman Labour Law the maximum overtime per day is three hours. This is because an employee only receives a total of 12 hours to work per day. The UAE Labour Law provides that overtime hours should not exceed two hours per day. The exceptions for extended overtime hours include a case where the work to be done involves prevention of the occurrence of a serious loss or accident, or removal or

Sunday, September 22, 2019

United Nation Science Essay Example for Free

United Nation Science Essay United Nation Science by Kofi This article tackles the issue of human dependence on technology and the role of information technology in globalization. The author also proves the fact the human’s dependency on technology is growing as new innovation are being developed. The effect of this dependency on human relationship and interaction was also discussed. Although information technology has great contribution in globalization, its effect on human interaction, culture and values are also considerable. As technology advances, we are losing our humanity as viewed by the author. Communication Technology Update by Grant and Meadows The book on Communication Technology Update provides a timeline for the development in the field of communication technology from books, newspaper and periodicals to phones to internet. Thus, it offers an introduction to the field of communication technology which is the topic of this paper. It is important to know the trends in the development of technology in order to have an overview or rather a glimpse of what is to come. It also proves the point that human’s reliance on technology for communication is increasing with the advances in the said field. The article also shows how fast information technology is growing. The W5H of Technology by Hallen The W5H of technology by Hallen provides additional information about information technology. It also describes the different type of communication in from the simplest to the most complex in terms of the number of individuals involved. Hallen introduced the readers to what there is to know about technology, the basics as well as the important. The influences of technology were also studied, both the positive and the negative effects. The main importance of technology was development and globalization that was made possible through the innovations in technology while technology dependency was the negative effect. This belief coincides with the main argument of this paper and so is very useful as a reference. Utilizing Information and Communication Technologies for Development: The Social Dimensions. Information Technology for Development by Morales-Gomez and Melesse The article by Morales-Gomez and Melesse offered to question the impacts of technology on society. They argue that although technology has brought great development in society, there are areas that had to be explored; some areas were technology harms rather than helps. They also view the fast development made possible by technology as unrealistic and dangerously naive. The authors also explored the long term effects of information technology in a nation’s social and cultural system. Thus, the article offers support of my claim on this paper. Information and Communication Technologies and the Effects of Globalization: Twenty-First Century Digital Slavery for Developing Countries Myth or Reality? by Ogunsola This article examines the revolution in the field of information technology. It also tackles the issue of globalization as well as its impact in developing countries. The authors argue that information technology is widening the gap between the poor and the developing countries. They also offer and evaluated the concept of â€Å"digital slavery†. Global communication had been viewed as â€Å"the world’s largest machine† and unknowingly, humans are being enslaved by it. The article also explored the negative effects of communication technology in personal communication. The article is important in establishing the main point of my paper. References Annan, Kofi. {1999}. United Nation Science. 19th February. p. 1079. Grant, A. and Meadows J. (2006). Communication Technology Update. Burlington, MA: Focal Press. Hallen, R. M. (2008). The W5H of Technology. Vigyan Prasar. Morales-Gomez, D. and Melesse, M. (1998). Utilizing Information and Communication Technologies for Development: The Social Dimensions. Information Technology for Development. 8(1). pp. 3-14. Ogunsola, L. (2005). Information and Communication Technologies and the Effects of Globalization: Twenty-First Century Digital Slavery for Developing Countries Myth or Reality?. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship. V. 6, No. 1-2. United Nation Science by Kofi This article tackles the issue of human dependence on technology and the role of information technology in globalization. The author also proves the fact the human’s dependency on technology is growing as new innovation are being developed. The effect of this dependency on human relationship and interaction was also discussed. Although information technology has great contribution in globalization, its effect on human interaction, culture and values are also considerable. As technology advances, we are losing our humanity as viewed by the author. Communication Technology Update by Grant and Meadows The book on Communication Technology Update provides a timeline for the development in the field of communication technology from books, newspaper and periodicals to phones to internet. Thus, it offers an introduction to the field of communication technology which is the topic of this paper. It is important to know the trends in the development of technology in order to have an overview or rather a glimpse of what is to come. It also proves the point that human’s reliance on technology for communication is increasing with the advances in the said field. The article also shows how fast information technology is growing. The W5H of Technology by Hallen The W5H of technology by Hallen provides additional information about information technology. It also describes the different type of communication in from the simplest to the most complex in terms of the number of individuals involved. Hallen introduced the readers to what there is to know about technology, the basics as well as the important. The influences of technology were also studied, both the positive and the negative effects. The main importance of technology was development and globalization that was made possible through the innovations in technology while technology dependency was the negative effect. This belief coincides with the main argument of this paper and so is very useful as a reference. Utilizing Information and Communication Technologies for Development: The Social Dimensions. Information Technology for Development by Morales-Gomez and Melesse The article by Morales-Gomez and Melesse offered to question the impacts of technology on society. They argue that although technology has brought great development in society, there are areas that had to be explored; some areas were technology harms rather than helps. They also view the fast development made possible by technology as unrealistic and dangerously naive. The authors also explored the long term effects of information technology in a nation’s social and cultural system. Thus, the article offers support of my claim on this paper. Information and Communication Technologies and the Effects of Globalization: Twenty-First Century Digital Slavery for Developing Countries Myth or Reality? by Ogunsola This article examines the revolution in the field of information technology. It also tackles the issue of globalization as well as its impact in developing countries. The authors argue that information technology is widening the gap between the poor and the developing countries. They also offer and evaluated the concept of â€Å"digital slavery†. Global communication had been viewed as â€Å"the world’s largest machine† and unknowingly, humans are being enslaved by it. The article also explored the negative effects of communication technology in personal communication. The article is important in establishing the main point of my paper. References Annan, Kofi. {1999}. United Nation Science. 19th February. p. 1079. Grant, A. and Meadows J. (2006). Communication Technology Update. Burlington, MA: Focal Press. Hallen, R. M. (2008). The W5H of Technology. Vigyan Prasar. Morales-Gomez, D. and Melesse, M. (1998). Utilizing Information and Communication Technologies for Development: The Social Dimensions. Information Technology for Development. 8(1). pp. 3-14. Ogunsola, L. (2005). Information and Communication Technologies and the Effects of Globalization: Twenty-First Century Digital Slavery for Developing Countries Myth or Reality?. Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship. V. 6, No. 1-2.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Penicillin fermentation and role of strain improvement on efficiency

Penicillin fermentation and role of strain improvement on efficiency Introduction Penicillin is one of the most vital drugs known to the medical world. Its discovery by Alexander Fleming in late 1920s changed the face of the world by bringing hope in peoples lives as penicillin was effectively used against diseases such as syphilis and staphylococcus infections. Penicillins discovery was an unexpected accident carried out while isolating staphylococcus aureus by growing bacteria on petri dishes. It was discovered that on one of the dishes a contaminating mould named penicillium notatum had no bacteria around it. Fleming noticed this behavior and obtained a small amount of the secreted antimicrobial product and named it penicillin. However Fleming was not able to commercialize the product into starting a large scale production process and preserved the cultured organism. As penicillin became more popular among other researchers, fermentation processes were being developed to improve its yield. [3]. Using these fermentation techniques, researchers started to carry o ut the production of penicillin in labs at a smaller scale. This process required a considerable amount of time and effort. One of the first methods used to produce penicillin came not too soon after its discovery. The first production procedure resulted in penicillin being produced by fermentation using surface method. In this method, penicillium mould was grown on top of a quiescent medium and bottle plant techniques were used to yield penicillin. This was a descent breakthrough in producing the antibiotic drug but it took very long growing cycles of penicillium mould. [3]. The demand for antibiotics really went up during and after the Second World War. At this time penicillin was well known around the world, however its production at larger scale with better efficiency was needed to make it a household name. The challenge of producing penicillin at larger scale was very daunting for researchers and engineers. It was at that time when fermentation research on corn steep liquor at a laboratory in Illinois, USA allowed in producing 2.3 million doses through development of deep tank fermentation [5]. As the demand for penicillin was rising, different ways of obtaining the antibiotic drug increased. Such production methods involved the use of fermenters with buffers and separation funnels, the property of liquid-liquid extraction, distribution ratios and finally the use of a membrane in a countercurrent extraction column. Penicillin Production Procedures Since the discovery of penicillin as an antibiotic drug, there have been many different methods developed to produce penicillin efficiently in order to achieve maximum yield. For instance, the recovery of penicillin using an emulsion liquid membrane in countercurrent extraction column is very successful method yield a highly qualitative product. The use of a countercurrent extraction column requires both a dispersed phase and an aqueous phase. The aqueous phase is made of penicillin potassium salt which is dissolved in a citrate buffer solution while the dispersed phase is made of a mixture of internal aqueous solution; sodium carbonate present in de-ionized water and organic solution, a mixture of a secondary amine, and nonionic polyamine in kerosene [1]. In order to process this method, the continuous phase is first fed through the top of the column at unsteady state, and when the flow of this phase reaches steady state, the dispersed phase is injected through the bottom of the col umn, producing a countercurrent extraction with the help of a nozzle. While the process is extracting, time samples are taken from the top and the bottom to monitor the concentration of penicillin. Once the separation of the continuous phase and dispersed phase occurs with the help of a filtration process, the penicillin that was present in the continuous phase is recovered. The effectiveness of the removal of different types of penicillin can be removed at a greater value at lower pH. This is because at a lower pH the impurities are left behind and can be removed, but at a higher pH, the impurities will remain with the organic phase, and thus will be hard to separate. This is the major reason why the aqueous extract is acidified again, so that we are able to lower the pH and obtain a better amount of penicillin and remove most of the impurities present [4]. Although methods like Emulsion liquid membrane in countercurrent extraction column can be very productive and economically feasible, some other measures are still required to produce penicillin in industry at a larger scale. Industrial Procedure The industrial process of the recovery of penicillin is in fact more complex. It requires the use of a fermenter, a filtration system and 3 buffer units, as shown in figure below. The industrial process uses the same principle of distribution ratio, which determines the measure of purity in the extracted product. The distribution ration is equal to the concentration of a solute phase in an organic phase divided by its concentration in aqueous phase. This principle is effectively used in removing the level of impurities from the final product. In this process, corn-steep liquor, which is a waste product in the wet milling of corn, is entered as the feed. When it enters the fermenter, additional nutrients such as metabolism modifiers and antifoaming agents can also be added. The pH is then adjusted and the contents in the fermenter are seam sterilized. As the temperature reaches a value of about 25oC, the fermenter is inoculated with a pure and high yielding mutant strain of Penicillium [2]. At this point, it comes in contact with sterile air with the help of turbine agitation to provide proper air medium interface and the constant addition of extra nutrients an d antifoaming agents [2]. This whole process is carried out for approximately one week. After the fermentation period, the solution is then sent to a filtration unit where impurities such as mycelium are separated from the aqueous solution that contains penicillin. As the separation takes place, the aqueous solution goes through three extraction units to obtain the final product in solid form. First the solution enters the primary extraction unit where its pH is reduced to a value of two by using sulfuric acid and amyl acetate, these results in penicillin to be extracted. This organic solution is then sent into the secondary extraction unit where it comes into contact with an aqueous buffer solution with a pH of six. This results in the formation of rich penicillin aqueous solution. Finally this solution is sent to the third and final extraction unit. Here the solution is re-acidified and either contacted with the same organic solvent used in primary extraction or with another organ ic solvent such as methyl isobutyl ketone. This second contact with organic solvent is used to prevent the transfer of any soluble impurities [2]. After continuous treatment, the final product of penicillin is recovered in solid form. Conclusion Penicillin is world renown antibiotic, its importance came in the early 1900s were it was used as a healing agent for bacterial infections. Till today its importance plays a vital role in society. Penecillin process is carried out with the help of new ways being developed in the recovery of penicillin. To conclude, it was noted that there are many different ways to recover penicillin using different agents. However, the quality and quantity of the product plays an important role in determining the best fermenting process. Using the principles of distribution ratios recovered penicillin in an almost pure form. While the use of countercurrent extraction column gave a more modernized method, but was not always able to give similar results as the use of distribution ratios. References [1] Lee, Sang C. Contiuous extraction of penicillin by liquid membrane in a countercurrent extraction column. Journal of Membrane Science 124 (1997): 43-51. [2] Baird, Malcolm H. Handbook of Solvent Extraction. New York, NY: Wiley, 1983. [3] Philipe, Dr Calos. Penicillin. First lecture of Chem Eng 3BK3. [4] T. Hano, M. Matsumoto and T. Ohtake, Continuous Extraction of Penicillin G with liquid surfactant membrane using vibro mixer. Journal of Membrane Science 93(1994): 61 [5] [Mary Bellis. The History of Penicillin.Inventors. Retrieved 2007-10-30.]

Friday, September 20, 2019

Ghost Stories Essay -- Analysis, The Nelly Buttler Hauntings

The Nelly Butler hauntings is referred to as the first recorded ghost story in American history (LiBrizzi 5), and possibly the most exciting hauntings to date as there are still many unsolved mysteries. The apparition appeared on more than 30 separate occasions to over 100 witnesses in Sullivan, Maine, just over fifteen years after the American Revolution (5-6). Although the Nelly Butler apparition is one of the most convincing ghosts of all time, it was subject to suspicions of fraud. These claims turn out to be groundless as the evidence reveals the ghost to be genuine. Although there is little information on Nelly Butler during her life, the evidence gathered from the time Nelly was alive suggests she was a kind woman. One interesting piece of information about Nelly when she was alive was given by her spirit when she explained that she had received an experience of spiritual salvation on her deathbed, possibly the reason she came back to Sullivan (â€Å"Testimony† 101). Nelly was legally named Eleanor Hooper, and born on 25 April 1776 (â€Å"Genealogical† 115). Her parents were David and Joanna Hooper, and she had eight siblings (115). Some time during 1795, Nelly married George Butler at the age of nineteen and lived on Butler’s Point in Franklin, Maine (115). While giving birth to their first child, Nelly tragically passed away on 13 June 1797, only to be followed shortly after by her baby (115). Although there are no headstones to confirm this, it is said that Nelly’s grave is located on Butler’s Point in Fran klin, next to her child and husband (LiBrizzi 8). Three years after Nelly had passed away, she still appeared to have business with the world of the living. The specter’s primary objective was to arrange the marriage of Georg... ...tion was given by the spirit that was only conversed between her and another person at the time if her life. The spirit appeared and sounded like Nelly Butler as she did when she was alive and even allowed the witnesses to get as close as they wanted allowing them the opportunity to find evidence of foul play. Where the idea of fraud breaks down is when the apparition shapeshifts, there is no evidence strong enough to give a reasonable argument that it was something other than the spirit of Nelly Butler caused it to happen. The evidence given by George Butler has to be the strongest evidence available; he actually was able to put his hand through the apparition and conversed on a topic only he and Nelly discussed when she was alive. With all the evidence composed, a strong case has been built that the spirit haunting Sullivan really was the spirit of Nelly Butler.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Barnsley Venue Guide :: essays research papers

Music and Arts Guide   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The following document features a variety of different venues in Barnsley, which are good for live bands or DJs. This should be of use to any unsigned band wishing to get gigs in the area. Some places might pay to have a band, others don’t. It all depends on the quality/ size of the venue and how well known you are as a band or DJ.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is Butterfield’s Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. Tel: 01226 733854. It’s a trendy town centre bar, which serves a good range of food every day from 11am to 7pm. As far as evenings go, Wednesday is student night with two for one offers on all drinks and there is a DJ playing every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Butterfield’s also has bands playing sometimes when it is not a DJ night. Overall, It is a very clean and well-run bar.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This is Bodegas Bar on Pitt Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. Website – It is a lively student pub with Pool tables, Darts, two large TV screens and cheap drinks all the time. They have live bands every Wednesday, which are usually Rock or Heavy Metal in style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chennell’s Bar on Pitt Street Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. A popular pub for meals and drinks due to the low prices and decent quality. The dà ©cor is old-fashioned but this is still one of the busiest pubs in town due to the friendly staff and cheap drinks. It is not really a place where bands play often; however, It would be worth a try if you could not get gigs anywhere else.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Lord Nelson on Shambles Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 737151. A student friendly pub with cheap pints upon production of student ID. There is a quiet bar upstairs with a pool table and plenty of room for drinking and eating. Downstairs is a music bar with a dance floor, which is open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. It is a fairly good venue with plenty of room both on the dance floor and the stage area.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Durty O’Dwyers Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. 01226 786100.Website – An Irish theme bar with associated dà ©cor and a good food menu from 11am to 3pm daily. It is a fairly small place with live bands on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons. There is also a practice room upstairs for  £10.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Panama Joe’s is on Pitt Street, Barnsley.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Shakespeare and the Wedding Ring Tradition :: William Shakespeare

The Wedding Ring Tradition Significance of Rings To Shakespeare During Shakespeare's time, the wedding and engagement rings indicated commitment. The rings Portia and Nerissa gave to Bassanio and Gratiano, that they were never to remove, were just that. "I give them with this ring, Which when you part from, lose, or give away, Let it presage the ruin of your love And be my vantage to exclaim on you" (3.2.171-4). The rings stood for the man's commitment to his wife just as rings Bassanio and Gratiano would give to Portia and Nerissa at their weddings would stand for the wives' commitment. Rings were common mainly among the richer parts of society, who could afford such a token. Mary Queen of Scots sent a diamond ring to Thomas Duke of Norfolk to indicate her willingness to marry him. However, peasants would give smaller tokens or none at all. It was usually the case that everyone in a village knew who was married, so no symbol was necessary. In the case that a man wishes to break a wedding contract, he must give back double all of the tokens he has received, usually a collection of small items. This made it even less practical for the poorer people in society to give rings. The fact that Portia and Nerissa gave rings to Bassanio and Gratiano is mainly an indication of their wealth. The commitment could have been symbolized by any token given to the men, but using a ring also shows that they are wealthy. Elizabethans would know that the ring itself was of no consequence to the marriage, but rather what it stood for was important. Origin Of The Tradition Engagement rings initially served a double purpose. In the days when brides were purchased, these rings were partial payment for the bride in addition to symbolizing the groom's intentions and woman's agreement. Diamonds were first found in Medieval Italy and due to their hardness symbolized enduring love. Shakespeare and the Wedding Ring Tradition :: William Shakespeare The Wedding Ring Tradition Significance of Rings To Shakespeare During Shakespeare's time, the wedding and engagement rings indicated commitment. The rings Portia and Nerissa gave to Bassanio and Gratiano, that they were never to remove, were just that. "I give them with this ring, Which when you part from, lose, or give away, Let it presage the ruin of your love And be my vantage to exclaim on you" (3.2.171-4). The rings stood for the man's commitment to his wife just as rings Bassanio and Gratiano would give to Portia and Nerissa at their weddings would stand for the wives' commitment. Rings were common mainly among the richer parts of society, who could afford such a token. Mary Queen of Scots sent a diamond ring to Thomas Duke of Norfolk to indicate her willingness to marry him. However, peasants would give smaller tokens or none at all. It was usually the case that everyone in a village knew who was married, so no symbol was necessary. In the case that a man wishes to break a wedding contract, he must give back double all of the tokens he has received, usually a collection of small items. This made it even less practical for the poorer people in society to give rings. The fact that Portia and Nerissa gave rings to Bassanio and Gratiano is mainly an indication of their wealth. The commitment could have been symbolized by any token given to the men, but using a ring also shows that they are wealthy. Elizabethans would know that the ring itself was of no consequence to the marriage, but rather what it stood for was important. Origin Of The Tradition Engagement rings initially served a double purpose. In the days when brides were purchased, these rings were partial payment for the bride in addition to symbolizing the groom's intentions and woman's agreement. Diamonds were first found in Medieval Italy and due to their hardness symbolized enduring love.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

My Life in the Light of the Rule of Benedict

We live in a time impatiently dashing towards the next. Ours is a society plagued by the need to move on without resolving issues of the here and now. We readily throw objects for the latest, and within the same breath complain that things are not the way they used to be. We so willingly burn bridges, and under the same lifetime demand for meaningful and lasting connections. Our lives are imbalanced and devoid of meaning because we are so caught up in the demands that society imposes upon us. And at the end of each day we feel so empty and restless, longing for something more. The good news is that meaning and purpose can be found for those who truly want it in their lives and are willing to do what it takes to find it and keep it. The book of St. Benedict was written some 15 centuries ago. But it finds place even in modern times. The precepts that it gives are enduring for those who want to find a semblance of spiritual peace in our chaotic and often uncertain world. The book is mainly about how man can strike a balance between his work and his spiritual life of prayer and meditation. This work of St. Benedict, which was written in the Middle Ages, became the foundations of the monastic life, where men of God were men of the world as well, doing menial jobs even as they tend to their spiritual lives. St. Benedict’s philosophy revolved around three main concepts: peace, pray and work. That in spite of the daily grind and drudgeries of our existence, we can all strive to find peace in our lives through finding time to pray and sanctify all our daily activities. He believes that the men of God should never turn their backs to the world and their responsibilities to their communities because a life of prayer without the actual good work that benefits other people is useless. Our duty as Christian is two-fold, the daily worship of God and the daily service to mankind. In every aspect of living, there is a way to find balance and address these two things at the same time. The wonderful thing about The Book of Benedict is that while it deals with profound issue of faith and grace, it also has practical advices on how to observe them in the real world. Balance and moderation is the key to a peaceful and content life. We must never be tempted to excesses and overindulgence. In food, two of a kind is sufficient so that if a person does not eat one, then there is always a second option. In my life I make it a point to enjoy my food, the key to feeling food is to savor every bite and celebrate the blessings that it represents. There are some cases when celebrating through food is well-deserved, but still, it should be taken in moderation. As St. Benedict said, â€Å"For nothing is so contrary to Christians as excess, as our Lord saith: ‘See that your hearts be not overcharged with surfeiting’ (Lk 21:34).† I have realized that food, to be truly enjoyed need not be taken in excessive amounts. The secret is in learning how to delight in and appreciate each small bite of food. In terms of clothing and other possessions, the same principle of moderation and appropriateness should apply. The clothing that we buy should be suitable to its use and to the climate of the place that we live in. Circumstances and not wants should dictate our choice of the clothes to buy. Of course every article of clothing should be tasteful in design, never ostentatious and ornamental, but tasteful and practical. And for those who have too much should give them away to the less privileged so that other people can find use for them. Looking at St. Benedict’s philosophies of moderation and appropriateness, I have realized that the tendency to hoard and acquire more material belongings is at the very heart of the loneliness that afflicts most of us. We are never happy with what we have, always wanting more in an effort to cover up the emptiness that we feel. The sad truth is that most of us look outside ourselves for answers, when all that we could ever need has been laid out in front of us. All that is needed is that we spend the time to look at all the blessings that we have and give thanks for them. My life is dictated by duties and responsibilities. But I know the value of prayers in my life. I make the time to attend to matters of my soul, even as I try to fulfill my duties to my family and my community. I have realized that I have everything I need to have a happy and full life. It is just a matter of changing how we look at our lives. If we continue to define our lives by what we do not have, then we shall never be content even while we are drowning in material possessions. The grace to have a grateful heart can only be achieved through constant prayer, and while my day is filled with things to do, I make it a point to make prayer a necessary habit. Indeed the secret to a happy life is no longer a secret. St. Benedict has long given us the power to define our own lives. Our lives may be filled with the realities of work and responsibilities, but in prayer we find a safe haven where we can find peace and the strength to carry on with what needs to be done for the day.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Evaluating Advertising Campaign

Evaluating Advertising Campaigns It is through the process of review and evaluation that an organization has the opportunity to learn and develop. In turn, this enables management to refine its competitive position and to provide for higher levels of customer satisfaction. The use of marketing communications is a management activity, one that requires the use of rigorous research and testing procedures in addition to continual evaluation. This is necessary because planned communications involve a wide variety of stakeholders and have the potential to consume a vast amount of resources. The evaluation of planned marketing communications consists of two distinct elements: The first element is concerned with the way the ad communicates. Thus, it deals with the development and testing of individual messages. An advertising message has to achieve, among other things, a balance of emotion and information in order that the communication objectives and message strategy be achieved. To accomplish this, testing is required to ensure that the intended message is encoded correctly and is capable of being decoded accurately by the target audience. This testing could be pre or post testing. The second element concerns the overall impact and effect that a campaign has on sales once a communication plan has been released. This post-test factor is critical, as it will either confirm or reject management’s judgement about the viability of their communication strategy. THE ROLE OF EVALUATION IN PLANNED COMMUNICATIONS The evaluation process is a key part of marketing communications. The findings and results of the evaluation process feed back into the next campaign and provide indicators and benchmarks for further management decisions. The primary role of evaluating the performance of a communications is to see that the advertising objective has been met and that the strategy has been effective. The secondary role is to ensure that the strategy has been executed efficiently, that the full potential of the individual promotional tools has been extracted and that resources have been used economically. TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE? Companies are generally interested in finding whether they are overspending or underspending in advertising. One way to figure that out is to use the formula given below. Share of voice is the company’s share of advertising expenditure that earns a share of the consumer’s mind, and ultimately the market. Comparing that to market share provides an idea as to the feasibility of the company’s ad spend. An advertising effectiveness ratio of 1 means an effective level of ad expenditure, while a ratio less than 1 indicates a relatively ineffective advertising level. As can be seen from the above table, firm A spends Rs. 20 lakhs of the total industry expenditure of Rs. 35 lakhs. Thus, its share of voice is 57. 1%. However, its market share is only 40%. So we can say that firm A is either overspending or misspending. Firm B has a market share equal in proportion to its share of voice. It spends effectively on advertising, while firm C is super efficient, and could probably increase expenditures.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Human Interest

The speaker’s split feelings reflected in the broken form of the sonnet in â€Å"Human Interest† In â€Å"Human Interest† the speaker has split feelings about his dead girlfriend, which are reflected in the form of the poem. The reader can see feelings of love, regret and grief and on the contrary feelings of hate and anger. The break between those divided feelings is visible in the broken form of the sonnet. The poem represents a broken form of the original Petrarchan sonnet. Firstly looking at the form of the poem the reader sees that there are 14 lines what indicates that he is looking at a sonnet.The rhyme scheme is identical with the typical rhyme scheme of the sonnet as abbaabba cdcdcd. Moreover there are 4 stanzas as in the sonnet, but the way the stanzas are constructed questions the thought of it being a typical one: In a sonnet there are 4 lines in the first stanza, 4 in the second and in each following stanza 3 lines. In â€Å"Human Interest† th ere is the scheme 4343. In other words there is an untypical break between line 7 and 8, the poem is punctiliously tore apart at that point. In different parts of the poem it is visible that the speaker has divided feelings.His feelings are turning over from hate and anger to love, grief and regret. The former is for instance illustrated in ‘I slogged my guts out for her’ (line 5). That sentence creates the impression of the speaker reproaching his dead girlfriend. It shows his disappointment because it seems like nothing he had done for her would have been worth it, all he got was her unfaithfulness and cheating. The use of the strong word ? slogged? reinforces that effect. To put it another way, it seems like he tries to legitimate his deed.In contrast to that aspect of legitimating his deed, the reader is able to see some expression of regret in line 12ff. where the speaker says ‘When I think about her now, I near choke / with grief. ’. It shows that he suffers, he ‘near choke’ and how sad he is about her not being there anymore. As a result the speaker expresses different feelings that do not fit together, he has thoughts of hate and shortly after he seems to be in love and sad about his deed. In addition it is to say that those split feelings are not only expressed in the words but are also visible in the form of the poem.The change of the speaker’s feelings happens between line 7 and 8. The speaker tilts over from ‘She stank of deceit. ‘ (line 7) to ‘I loved her. ‘ (line 8). The former is absolutely an expression of scorn, reinforced by the word ‘stank‘. There is a crack to the following expression of love. It behaves in exactly the same way with the form of the poem at that point: As already mentioned there is an untypical break between line 7 and 8, where the form of the sonnet is punctiliously tore apart.That split of the speaker’s feelings is exactly at the same point where the poem breaks the form of the sonnet apart. To sum up, the speaker’s feelings are visible aside from different parts of the poem in its form. There are a lot of negative feelings of hate and anger expressed in the first part of this poem, which turn over in line 8 to feelings of love. That break of feelings also demonstrates the broken form of the sonnet. (597 words)

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Gender and Power in the Media Essay

Media is the best avenue for companies to advertise their products, especially if they want to reach a greater scopre of target consumers. Every day, persuasion through the television, internet, and radio commercials, as well as in printed ads and billboards will make them sell more of their products in an effectual manner (Allen). Radio and television are the two channels where most Americans get information, especially news, aside from the Internet, magazines, and many others. And because of these two media, they can definitely change the way audiences perceive things in society, especially the youth, who may be more vulnerable to media influence compared to adults. This may partly be attributed to their inexperience. It affects how they decide on things that matter greatly to them and to others (Reed). The core and obvious difference is that the radio only produces sound, while the television produces both sound and images. The radio was formed from different ideas coming from Michael Faraday’s electromagnetism, to James Clark Maxwell’s treatise on electricity and magnetism, to Heinrich Hertz’ Hertzian waves, down to Gugliemo Marconi’s wireless telegraph and signal company (the world’s first radio factory) and tuned syntonic telegraphy (Parker). The radio was first used as a transmitter of information, especially for the ships who sails long distances (Parker). This later on became a major requirement for ships, especially to have radio auxiliary power and two operators with a licensed driver after the Titanic sank in early 1900’s (Schoenherr). Previously, the programs in radio were only for musical and talk show purposes. However, starting 1940, the programs in radio also offered drama and news (Schoenher). In California, KALW San Francisco is one of the stations that operated in FM as it was aired on September 1. 1941. It was licensed by the Federal Communications Commission on March 10, 1941, to broadcast educational programs. Its first program was Schoolcast. The listeners of this program were mostly soldiers training in tanks as their radio is reached by the signal of the station (Tripod. com). Radio was even once classified as monopolistic competition, as only few individuals or group of people operate the radio industry in some states. But with the Telecommunications act of 1996, ownership was also granted to some groups (Drushel). Nowadays, there are registered and licensed 643 public and private FM and AM radio stations available for the listeners in California. One of these is 102. 7 KIIS FM or KISS FM in Spanish located in Los Angeles (SHG Resources State Handbook and Guide). The station was first heard in 1948. Presently, it was owned and managed by Clear Channel Communications. The station is actually a result of change formats, purchasing, and trade frequencies among defunct radio stations, individuals, and companies. Today it the stations is also known as LA’s #1 Hit Music Radio Station as it is one of the highest rated Radio station in the United States, and is recognized as 2007’s station of the year. The station plays R&B, pop, and rock music. They said that their play list is based on the likes of their listeners. Unlike any other station, they censor the songs before they play it on air. One of the popular personalities in the station is Ryan Seacrest. In society, some topics are beyond common knowledge, for example technical terms that are medical in nature and only medical experts can further explain. By having discussions on the radio or in television or having these placed in an article will allow information for more people, especially if these concern health and safety of the majority. Critical issues need to be exposed, analyzed, evaluated, and properly addressed, thus the role of media is vital in this stage (RadioIslam. org). Popular media, like FM Radio programs, particularly KIIS FM, in the late capitalist societies became the primary source of knowledge and experience virtually about anything, including gender. It is said that they are important in the creation of power relations in society (Hains). Take for example the social status of women and men. In the construction of gender and sexuality, it is said that the school, particularly the teacher, plays a very important role in this crucial stage. As expected, one can only be masculine and feminine. In some cases, some of the abuses of these children are coming from male teachers, whether this be physical or verbal. Some experts opine that femininity is always shown as sexual appeal, while men are sex seekers. Students would favor a woman teacher rather than a male teacher because they act as mothers and more overtly show concern for their students. To some students, male teachers are impatient. Male students are punished heavily by male teachers as compared to female students. Having said all of these, we can say that both sexes experience harassment and abuse from both sexes, and not just the females (Chege). The media can use their influence to expose these problems and seek help and justice for this people, who at an early age have been subjected to such trauma. Moreover, it may be worth noting that media may also be partly blamed for reinforcing both the abusive behavior of the teacher and the shame felt by student over her stigma (Chege). Previously, females were viewed as passive. They are not allowed to work and usually stay at home, doing the chores of a wife, and only serve as trophies of their husbands. Worse, they are not allowed to go to school as it was believed that only men can seek education since they are the heads of their families. They are always expected to watch themselves and to act according to the norms of society, especially in the eyes of men as she is the object of men’s sight. Her skin must be supple, hairless, and smooth. Her face must be free of wrinkles, with no signs of stress or whatsoever. Her lips must be kissable, and her eyes mysterious. Women are said to be more restricted with their movements. They must be cross legged when sitting, and toes pointing only in straight or inward directions. Aside from these, they are also trained to show their smiles more than men do. They must stand with stomach in and chest out. If any of these are violated, it means that they violated norms of morals, speech, and movements. Moreover, women tend to occupy the lower and marginalized positions in a company, or even in society. Most women are given reproductive, productive, and community work. Reproductive tasks would include giving birth, feeding and educating her kids, taking care of her husband and children, and other domestic tasks. Her productive work would mean to produce products and services for others’ consumption. Community work would entail her to support different activities that will directly benefit society through volunteerism. However, not all women are given the chance to enjoy community work, since they are burdened by her reproductive and productive functions. Men tend to be more powerful in most realms. Needless to say, they occupy most of the highest positions in industrial organizations and society; thus the glass ceiling phenomenon (Chege). On the other hand, men are expected to be active, and to make things happen. They go out of their houses to work, and were sent to school whether they like it or not. Men are allowed to sit with legs apart so they can move loosely from one place to another (Employees. oneonta. edu). Nowadays, as media plays a greater role in building society, things have changed. There is equality among men and women. Women are more empowered to do things that men usually do. Media brought the new concept of a woman, someone who is ideal. For most, what is beautiful is a woman who is firm, with a narrow hip, with a small breast, and slim, as evidenced by the models in the cover of a magazine. For those who do not posses this kind of body, dieting is an alternative. Another way is to have surgery in order to enhance one’s physical attributes. Diet and surgery are some of the popular topics both in print and non-print media (Employees. oneonta. edu). Women are becoming more liberal as evidenced in the paper of Izabel Magalhaes. She said that it the responsibility of media especially radio in introducing the said concept to these women. Media is more open about talking about women’s stories that discuss their sex experiences at the expense of entertainment of others (Magalhaes). They say what they feel; they enact what they think (Employees. oneonta. edu). Women would go to school and get the job opportunities opened for men, and nowadays, women excel in different fields, almost overtaking men in different positions and levels. Some male workers would even be surprised that their boss is a woman In KIIS FM; men are not the only DJ’s in the station. There are also women who work everyday for the station. Even in describing the achievements of a woman, some adjectives that are associated with men are actually used. Those words are not anymore exclusive to men. The main reason is that men are usually viewed as individuals with physical strength. Nowadays, physical strength is not the only issue, topics about men’s health, fashion, and trips are now being featured by the media. This time, the notion that men only desires for women is not anymore true, since nowadays they are also interested in fashion, health, and many other things like women do (Magalhaes). As what have mentioned a while ago, media, particularly radio is also used to attract possible buyers by different companies. It is said that advertising, such as those in radios, contributes in representing and constructing gender identities in urban region which also exists in the past. The interests of large corporations are presented to the people, and whoever has the most interesting advertising skills and features will be favored by the consumers (Magalhaes). Alternatives were provided in front of us everyday, both are competitively packaged. Women are now represented by these advertisements as liberal, yet viewed as a commodity to be used by the society. Men on the other hand, are presented to be not only dominant over women, but with other types of men as well: disabled, heterosexual, homosexuals, and many others. At some point, women remains presented as incapable and dependent on men, and that it is assumed by the society that their existence is for the purpose of men’s pleasure. Some advertisements would use adjectives for a product that is a characteristic of a woman (Magalhaes). The choice of words will trigger our minds to think of different things. But because of these, more women are verbally harassed by men, whether in public or in private places. This injury is transformed into grievance, and lastly to a dispute. These situations encouraged more women to aspire greater positions in the society like in Congress, in the courtroom, or in media, and to acquire greater power. It is assumed that the media can change an individual’s outlook in life, behavior, ethics, and values. The combination of media with law, for example, has goals of transforming the society, using naming, blaming, and claiming. Naming would imply discussing harassment and defining it; blaming would mean identifying the suspect for harassment; and claiming would demand for the transformation of grievance into a remedy. In this situation, media can be used to educate the people in the different harassments that women acquire. But despite this fact, until now, there are still women who remains marginalized in the society. They still remain powerless and voiceless against the criminals (Laniya). Aside from advertising, media is also influential in the political realm. In every Presidential election, candidates would use the media to reach more people, and to persuade them to vote for him or her, such as in the case of the United States. This scheme started in 1930’s and 40’s when President Roosevelt used the radio to campaign in such a conversational manner with the people. Its success triggered other U. S Presidents to follow him, such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy. Aside from media exposure for these candidates, media can also be a source of funds for the candidates (The University of Texas at Austin). The voter’s idea of the personality of the speaker either make or break them. However, we should remember that personality and leadership is not really together. There were presidents who are idolized for their great leadership, but not for their personality. There were inefficient leaders who are revered for their personality (The University of Texas at Austin). Television and radio debates are important especially in educating the voters about who the deserving candidate They scrutinize the past and present of this candidates. But although media affects our decision regarding this matter, studies would show that face to face contact is still the most effective medium to get votes from the people. In election histories, it is said that a well oiled political machine, particularly with good relationship with the media, is more likely to win the elections (The University of Texas at Austin). In this juncture, we can say that indeed, media has the power to make a change, but not as much powerful as we do (The University of Texas at Austin). The real problem is that people does not have the power to control the media. It is said that in this setting it is the minority that dictates the people the things that they want others to know, the events that will only be consider for reporting, the facts that will be examined and evaluated, and many other instances. This minority controls the media, which affects the politics of the country, then way wee live, the way we talk, the way we think, and many others. The discussion on radio and televisions regarding any political issue that directly affects the interest of the people is only limited, as it is restricted to discuss some sensitive issues. Take for example if the discussion on the radio program is anti-Semitism, the station would not actually invite true anti-Semitist. In this case, the discussion is not really a discussion of the topic at all. Investigative journalism on the other hand, plays as a hero in revealing to us the hidden truth, up to some point that they already invade public lives (RadioIslam. org). The music played on the radio affects our moods and our emotions. Music can trigger sad and happy memories, depending on the song played at the program. Radio stations can dictate what kind of music and genres society ought to appreciate, and which singers ought to be popular. It modifies choice of music into something that favors the capitalist. Other artists may not be given the chance to be heard and present their talent (RadioIslam. org).

Friday, September 13, 2019

Institutional investments- the pension schemes Essay

Institutional investments- the pension schemes - Essay Example 18). These are retirement plans made by insurance companies, the government and other institutions put in place to assist their employers after retirement period. Pension is usually made by the employer’s body in order to enable their employees sustain themselves after retirement as they are not able to be paid their normal salaries after retirement. Through this they will be able to benefit and support themselves. In addition to this, they can be funded by labor unions as well as the government, among other organizations. Pension schemes can be divided into defined-benefit and defined-contribution pension scheme. Differences between Defined-benefit and Defined-contribution Pension Schemes A defined benefit pension scheme is dependent on the final salary of an employee depending on the member’s length of service and based on a fixed formula (Mathis & Jackson 2012, pg. 11). It can be either funded defined benefit pension scheme or unfunded defined pension scheme whereby the benefits are paid up by the sponsor or the employee. The funded benefit pension scheme is dependent on the contribution from the plan members and the employer, as well others in the contribution to the pension scheme. A defined contribution pension scheme can be termed as an investment fund at retirement, and which depends on the level of contribution prior to the retirement. This depends on how much each contributor releases to the pension scheme and also on the money contributed in the investment after retirement. The contributions are invested in the stock market where it can succeed or fail. An example is the Australian superannuation system and the United States section 415, 401 limits among others. A defined benefit pension scheme growth is slow especially at the early years and tends to grow in the mid-work period. This leads to an increase in its costs to older employees as compared to the younger employees, aided by the flat accrual rate and also the decreasing period f or interest discounting as retirement period approaches (Redhead 2003, pg. 51). This therefore only favors the companies and not the younger people, making it unpopular among many people. This leads to the risk of spending a lot of cash and also gets a higher interest led by the time period as it is not funded by the government. The funding makes it to be risky and thus less trusted by most people as it may not be well funded in the future and may also be terminated. Defined contribution pension scheme is a better way or form of investing money as it is put in the stock exchange and through this it is possible to see how one’s portfolio grows. This leads to competition and through this the person or the company can increase its share values and also choose how to can invest. This is different in the defined benefit pension scheme as the amount or pension paid is not invested as the contribution is fixed. Contributions are also made annually or monthly causing them to get a lo wer retirement amount as compared to those in defined contribution pension schemes, and thus making people prefer contribution pension schemes over defined benefit pension schemes. Why Defined-contribution Pension Schemes are becoming more important Defined benefit pen

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Corporate governance board in an organization operates via the Essay

Corporate governance board in an organization operates via the different members of board of directors - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to illustrate the working of corporate governance by means of the literature review. Corporate governance rules are settled by the directors who give rules and regulations for the firm to move it in a specific direction to achieve different goals. Corporate governance actually gives rules for internal control of the firm. This literature review shows different views on corporate governance of various scholars i.e. the point of generation of this idea and its history. The paper then elaborates on the principle of corporate governance and their responsibilities; two distinctive models are described for corporate governance, which are used all over the world. These models clearly defines that why the firms in the United Kingdom are not as powerful as in United States. The reason is provide latterly in the paper by showing different examples of United States industries that actually fails because their corporate governance was unable to work. Then what are corpor ate governance model used by the Asian companies are provided. The paper uses three different examples to show that either corporate governance work or not. ... The last section is the few lines defining the conclusion taken from over all paper. The paper uses the examples of real firms that show that either corporate governance work or not. These real examples show that how their corporate governance works so that we can conclude that either the concept of corporate governance work or not. Corporate governance concept does work but it all depends on the individual forming the board of director or corporate governance. Corporate governance ideology does work and that is the reason that why the top firms are still working. The best direction and decision making system is the only reason that works and all these are provided by corporate governance. The paper not only shows that the either corporate governance work or not rather it also provide that how corporate governance work. The examples of real firms that are taken to elaborate the aim of paper will clearly define that how their corporate governance working for the success of the firm. Fro instance, the example of Cadbury shoes that their corporate governance decided to separate the confectionery firms from the beverages firms and this decision really works and the firm actually gain profits. Different statistical data of the companies are provided by the paper that shows that impact of decision making and regulation provided by corporate governance. The approach to literature review is made by the use different scholarly piece of work. Different books are used to elaborate the topic and scholar's journals are sued to seek the issue discussed by this paper. Moreover, the paper uses the real firm's data showing the actual and real evidences that either the corporate work or not. This data is taken from different

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

David Orton PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

David Orton PLC - Essay Example In order to understand the challenges that Costwise employees have to face since the merger of their organization with Ortons it is necessary to refer primarily to the main events followed the above merger, meaning the events that are likely to affect the employee relationships across the organization: before the merger both firms, Ortons and Costwise have been quite powerful in the British retail industry. However, the two firms had a different culture, as reflected in their strategic priorities: for Ortons, keeping its prices at a rather high level, ensuring the quality of its products, and increasing the number of its larger stores have been the most important elements of the firm’s strategy. In opposition, the stores of Costwise were of various sizes; developing an effective communication with customers has been more important in Costwise instead of increasing the number of profits. Moreover, the level of compensation in Costwise has been lower than that of Ortons, a fact that has not negatively affected the performance of employee in Costwise. After the merger, when the differences between the two organizations revealed, employees in the two firms have been asked to cooperate for promoting the plans of the organization resulted by the merger, the David Orton plc. However, inequalities in compensation and in the participation of employees in the firm’s decision-making process led employees in Costwise at a lower position compared to their counterparts in Ortons.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Transition of Art to Photography in Terms of Realism Essay

Transition of Art to Photography in Terms of Realism - Essay Example Presently, such a world seems unimaginable thanks to photography: it comes with visual souvenirs; pictures of common and prominent people; advertising pictures that create a desire within the public while, at the same time educating them concerning all products the modern consumer culture is capable of offering; medical, diagnostic devices; incredible perceptions of exotic places, together with the outer space; world news pictures; and most significant, pictures of the events, as well as intimate moments of personal life (Keil 19). The photography technology is partly chemical and partly optical, dating back in 1839. Shortly after its instantaneous discovery by William Henry Fox Talbot of England, together with Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre of France, photography get used in documenting foreign places of interest like India, the American West and the Holy Land. Apart from that, it got applied in portraits along with photographs of kings, statesman, as well as theater or even literary personalities. However, during the 19th century, cameras were in most cases in the hands of either professionals or entrepreneurs who were self-educated thereby trying photography as a trade. Photography does not require professional licensing or even guild membership; therefore, in the mainstream, anyone has the capability of buying the equipment, obtaining the directions, and proceeding. This directness of the medium makes photographic practice liberated from the traditions, which had grown up throughout painting or a variety of printmaking arts (Keil 32). With the introduction of precoated dry plates in 1878, the tiresome and cluttered coating of glass plates inside the darkroom or even dark tent, for those photographers out in the field got eliminated, and with the availability of precoated photographic papers, printing of photographs turned out to be much easier, while, at the same time, more predictable. As a result, photography could be exercised by hobbyists or amateurs, mor e so by lovers of the medium since the majority of the people, who had the leisure for an advanced hobby such as this one, were not only educated, but also sophisticated, and desired to come up with photographs resembling Art (Keil 47). In the past, film cameras filters got used in the modification of both the spectral content i.e. color, intensity of light, while, at the same time, generating outcomes like soft focus. However, digital cameras tend to operate differently when it comes to color; there is a possibility of performing color modification in camera with ease by setting white balance. Therefore, for film warming, as well as cooling filters, or those filters capable of converting fluorescent light unto daylight where necessary, digital has the ability of achieving the same effects through internal operation of the digital data. There as a number of filters needed for digital including a polarizing filter, special effect filter, a UV filter, filters for infrared effects, a n eutral density filter plus a given graduated neutral density filter. It is impossible to digitally simulate the results of a

Respect and the Attica Correctional Facility Research Paper

Respect and the Attica Correctional Facility - Research Paper Example After three days of negotiating the state police opened fire after tear gas was dropped on the rioting inmates. The death toll came to 29 inmates and 10 hostages which the state tried to claim came from ‘zip guns’ which are homemade guns that inmates sometimes make and that some had their throats cut. In the end, it was proven that all died of real gunshot wounds and that the inmates had not had any zip guns. The state police had killed them all. The corruption in the prison included not only brutal punishments by the guards on the prisoners, but racial discrimination and punishment that was based upon the color of skin a man wore (Danver, 2011). There were many consequences from the actions taken in this riot. After the riots one of the inmates, Frank Smith was made to lie naked on a table with a football balanced on his chest. He was told that should he let the ball fall he would be castrated. The guards also established other tortures including making naked men run a gauntlet of nightsticks or crawl through glass. Frank Smith and others who had been treated with these punishments filed suit against the prison in 1974. He received four million dollars in a civil suit against the facility with 23 other prisoners receiving a settlement of eight million dollars. Although the consequences of the riot caused prison reform to take place, the prison remains a hard line prison with tough restrictions on inmates who are considered to be some of the most dangerous (Danver, 2011). The question is if they are dangerous because of the conditions imposed and the new construction of social living that they are forced to conform under. The Attica Correctional Facility of today is only moderately... The term respect is one that is very important in the construction of social order in the Attica Correctional facility. The facility is known for housing some of the worst criminals in the United States, leaving the structure for abuse open from both inmates and guards where people have largely forgotten about those who enter into those walls. Respect, therefore, is won through violent and physical confrontation. This allows those in the culture within the walls to determine who has status and who will be the weaker section of the population. While male dominated codes and structures are at the core of the hierarchy, there are some unique concepts in a prison that already has a great deal of structure. Male dominance is at the center of this construction of social order and at the core of male dominance is the need for having respect, showing respect, and earning respect. Some prisoners earn respect just to keep them safe while others earn it to gain power among their peers. The one solidarity that is common among all the prisoners is against the guards. From the evidence of the 1971 riot and the restrictions that are enforced on the behavior of men in the prison system that this nuances and subtleties of life in Attica are often built upon the fragile amounts of freedom they are given. Without the development of structures of respect, they would be lost to the oppression that the guards and the system impose.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Also related to Electronic Engineering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Also related to Electronic Engineering - Essay Example If the average mission time for the vehicle to go submerged and returned to surface is 1 day and 12 hours, compute the reliability of this control system for the mission. (ii) Compare the reliability of a single oxygen control system and that of the â€Å"duplicate†ystem above given the same individual component specifications and operating conditions, inclusive of mission time. EMI or Electromagnetic interference is a naturally occurring phenomenon when the electromagnetic field of one particle or device interrupts, hinders or corrupts the electromagnetic field of another particle or device by coming into proximity with it. While EMC or Electromagnetic Compatibility is the capability of a system to work in its own electromagnetic environment without creating any kind of electromagnetic disturbances to any other system in that environment. Broadband Interference is interference which has a broad spectral energy distribution and exhibits a wide frequency range. It is normally measured in "decibels above one microvolt (or microampere) per Megahertz"   e.g., dBuV/MHz or dBuA/MHz. On the other hand, Narrowband Interference has its principal spectral range confined to a specific frequency or frequencies.   This type of interference is usually produced by an oscillator circuit which contains energy only at the frequency of oscillation and harmonics of that frequency.   It is normally measured in "decibels above one microvolt (or microampere)", e.g., dBuV or dBuA.   The first sources of EMI are the Ground Loop Systems in the electronic equipments like the audio / video systems. This is a common problem when connecting multiple audio-visual system components together, there is an interruption of audio signals which cause a humming noise in the audio signals and produces interference bars to picture. At times, this can eventually damage the equipment. The second source of

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Failures in Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Failures in Corporate Governance - Essay Example Theoretically, there is misguided notion that corporate governance is a simple and straightforward process. Personally, I think this notion proves futile. I am of the opinion that corporate governance is highly contextual, and tends to be dynamically unpredictable rather than being simply neat (Farber, 2013, p. 539). Inputs of corporate governance machines do not necessarily guarantee desirable outputs. As aforementioned, corporate governance is highly contextual, meaning that processes and practices used in the governance of distinct corporation change from one environmental context to another. Admittedly, the need to address interests of all stakeholders features as the leading objective of corporate governance. Theoretically, guardians of governance within any given corporation should ensure the sustainable effectiveness of these managerial concepts; responsiveness, accountability, legal responsibility, strategic vision, and equitable participation of all shareholders (Farber, 201 3, p. 544). In practical contexts, some of these governance concepts may conflict or overlap. Consequently, conflict and overlap of operation principles result in failures within corporate governance. In the recent past, failures in corporate governance have brought down several high-profile corporations across the world. Enron Inc. is an example of collapsed giant corporations, with its collapse attributed primarily to failures in corporate governance. Other high-profile corporations suffering from failed corporate governance include Wal-Mart and Cadbury.