Saturday, December 28, 2019

Tennessee v. Garner Court Case, Arguments, Impact

In Tennessee v. Garner (1985), the Supreme Court ruled that under the Fourth Amendment, a police officer may not use deadly force against a fleeing, unarmed suspect. The fact that a suspect does not respond to commands to halt does not authorize an officer to shoot the suspect, if the officer reasonably believes that the suspect is unarmed. Fast Facts: Tennessee v. Garner Case Argued: Oct. 30, 1984Decision Issued: March 27, 1985Petitioner: The state of TennesseeRespondent: Edward Eugene Garner, a 15-year-old shot by police to prevent him from escaping over a fenceKey Question: Did a Tennessee statute authorizing the use of deadly force to prevent the escape of a fleeing suspect violate the Fourth Amendment?Majority Decision: Justices White, Brennan, Marshall, Blackmun, Powell, StevensDissenting: Justices OConnor, Burger, RehnquistRuling: The Supreme Court ruled that under the Fourth Amendment, a police officer may not use deadly force against a fleeing, unarmed suspect. Facts of the Case On October 3, 1974, two police officers responded to a late night call. A woman had heard glass breaking in her neighbor’s house and believed a â€Å"prowler† to be inside. One of the officers went around the back of the house. Someone fled across the backyard, stopping by a 6-foot fence. In the darkness, the officer could see that it was a boy and reasonably believed the boy to be unarmed. The officer yelled, â€Å"Police, halt.† The boy jumped up and began to climb the 6-foot fence. Out of fear that he’d lose the arrest, the officer opened fire, striking the boy in the back of the head. The boy, Edward Garner, died at the hospital. Garner had stolen a purse and $10. The officer’s conduct was legal under Tennessee law. The state’s law read, If, after notice of the intention to arrest the defendant, he either flee or forcibly resist, the officer may use all the necessary means to effect the arrest. Garner’s death sparked over a decade of court battles resulting in a Supreme Court ruling in 1985. Constitutional Issues Can a police officer use deadly force against a fleeing, unarmed suspect? Does a statute that authorizes the use of deadly force on an unarmed suspect violate the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? The Arguments Attorneys on behalf of the state and city argued that the Fourth Amendment oversees whether a person may be detained, but not how they may be apprehended. Violence will decrease if officers are able to do their jobs by any means necessary. Resort to deadly force is a â€Å"meaningful threat† to deter violence, and is in the interest of the city and state. Furthermore, the attorneys argued that the use of deadly force against a fleeing suspect was â€Å"reasonable.† Common law revealed that, at the time of the Supreme Court’s ruling, multiple states still permitted this type of force. The practice was even more common at the time of the passage of the Fourth Amendment. The respondent, Garner’s father, alleged that the officer had violated his son’s Fourth Amendment rights, his right to due process, his Sixth Amendment right to trial by jury, and his Eighth Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment. The court only accepted the Fourth Amendment and due process claims. Majority Opinion In a 6-3 decision delivered by Justice Byron White, the court labeled the shooting a â€Å"seizure† under the Fourth Amendment. This allowed the court to determine whether the act was â€Å"reasonable† when taking into account a â€Å"totality of the circumstances.† The court considered several factors. First, the court focused on whether Garner posed a threat to the officers. He was unarmed and fleeing when an officer shot him. Justice White wrote: â€Å"Where the suspect poses no immediate threat to the officer and no threat to others, the harm resulting from failing to apprehend him does not justify the use of deadly force to do so.† The court was careful to include in its majority opinion that deadly force may be constitutional if a fleeing suspect is armed and poses a significant threat to officers or those around him. In Tennessee v. Garner, the suspect did not pose a threat. The court also looked to police department guidelines across the country and found that the long-term movement has been away from the rule that deadly force may be used against any fleeing felon, and that remains the rule in less than half the States.† Finally, the court considered whether its ruling would prohibit officers from effectively accomplishing their jobs. The Justices concluded that preventing officers from using deadly force against an unarmed, fleeing suspect would not meaningfully disrupt police enforcement. There was no proof that the threat of deadly force increased the effectiveness of policing. Dissenting Opinion Justice O’Connor was joined by Justice Rehnquist and Justice Burger in her dissent. Justice OConnor focused on the crime Garner was suspected of, noting that there is a strong public interest in preventing burglaries. Justice OConnor wrote: The Court effectively creates a Fourth Amendment right allowing a burglary suspect to flee unimpeded from a police officer who has probable cause to arrest, who has ordered the suspect to halt, and who has no means short of firing his weapon to prevent escape.† OConnor argued that the majoritys ruling actively impeded officers from enforcing the law. According to OConnor, the majoritys opinion was too broad and failed to provide officers a means of determining when deadly force is reasonable. Instead, the opinion invited a second-guessing of difficult police decisions. The Impact Tennessee v. Garner subjected the use of deadly force to Fourth Amendment analysis. Just as an officer must have probable cause to search someone, they must have probable cause to fire on a fleeing suspect. Probable cause is limited to whether an officer reasonably believes that the suspect is an immediate threat to the officer or the surrounding public. Tennessee v. Garner set a standard for how courts handle police shootings of suspects. It provided a uniform way for courts to address the use of deadly force, asking them to decide whether a reasonable officer would have believed the suspect to be armed and dangerous. Sources Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985)

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Analyse How Christian Religious Practices Influence the...

Analyse how Christian religious practices influence the lives of adherents. In your answer, refer to baptism. â€Å"Christianity has developed into a highly ritual-filled tradition and many of its significant practices are acts of public worship associated with the sacraments.† – Living Religion, 4th edition pg. 266. Ever since its inception, Christianity has been epitomised by a range of religious practices that explore the sacred beliefs that have been upheld and spread around the world. These practices thus continue to bear a significant influence over the lives of adherents and how they seek to express their faith in Christianity. One such religious practice is that of baptism which functions as a significant milestone in the life of any†¦show more content†¦Baptism has many inextricable ties to the beliefs that are held so very tightly by the Christian church and its adherents. It is one of the many traditions of the faith that seeks to express aspects of the religion that are essential to its practice. Baptism is linked to beliefs about: spiritual rebirth through Christ who seeks to cleanse and purify each individual from their sins, admission into the Christian Church and its mission, faith in the Holy Trinity, particularly in the power of the Holy Spirit which seeks to bring know ledge of God to the world as well as the need for salvation from eternal damnation as emphasised in Lewis Sperry Chafer’s book Major Bible Themes which states that: â€Å"...baptism when practiced can be no more than an expression of faith and the hope...that the child will ultimately be saved.† Baptism also highlights the Christian beliefs based on faith and repentance-reconciling with God and accepting one’s role as His son/daughter, participation in the life, death and resurrection of Christ by being able to partake in celebrating His sacrifice for mankind, and finally the forgiveness of sins- turning towards a life filled with God’s guidance and righteous presence. Baptism is often understood to symbolise the resurrection of Christ-the revival of the sinner to a life of righteousness. Romans 6:3-11: â€Å"Do you not know that all ofShow MoreRelatedRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 PagesCongress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Edmonds, Ennis Barrington. Rastafari : from outcasts to culture bearers / Ennis Barrington Edmonds. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-19-513376-5 1. Rastafari movement. 2. Jamaica—Religious life and customs. I. Title. BL2532.R37 E36 2002 299†².676—dc21 2002074897 v To Donnaree, my wife, and Donnisa, my daughter, the two persons around whom my life revolves; and to the ancestors whose struggles have enabled us to survive and

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Observation of social situation Essay Example For Students

Observation of social situation Essay While systematically observing a social situation for approximatly one week, I have observed some common patterns of interaction and have rendered some possible explanations for these patterns of behavior. While there were some irregular observations, most of the behavior was consistent with that of my hypotheses. My research question involves the behavior of males versus females in the setting of a workout room or gym. I hyptohesized that males are more likely to interact with each other than females are, and males are more likely to use weights than females, while females are more likely to utilize aerobic activity machines more than males. All of these hypothesis will be further supported within the basis of my My basic observation technique included using qualitative research methods and concentrating on how people interacted with each other, how they themselves acted , and how other people reacted to them. This included using the participant observation technique where the researcher participates in the activities of the unit under study. All of my observations took place in both the Bream Wright Hauser weight room and the ________________ workout room. I chose to observe both of these locations because of the varitey of people who could be observed and the type of people who used both of these facilities. In the Bream Wright Hauser weight room, there are three step machines, and a bike located along the left wall, and the whold right side of the room includes weight machines to work various parts of the body. In the middle of the room and to the back are the free weights and weight benches. This room includes mostly weights and very few aerobic machines. In the______________ weight room, however, there are very few weight and an abundance of aerobic machines. One small corner contains weights and the rest of the room includes several step machines, bikes, and other aerobic machines. One observation which I noticed was that while the Bream Wright Hauser room included predominatly males with a few females, including myself, the ____________room comtained all women and no men. I think this is owed to the contents of the room. Even in Bream Wright Hauser, the small number of women tended to use the aerobic machines. This leads me to one observation that the women are much more likely to use the aerobic machines than men. Also, because there was not a single man in the ___________room, I also concluded that men tend to utilize the weights much more frequently than the aerobic machines. The situation which I observed is located on the Gettysburg College campus in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The participants include men and women in the age range of approximatly 18 23 who constitute a social aggregate. The number of participants vary from night to night and depending on the time of the day in which the observation is taken. The characteristics of the participants also vary but include both men and women from mostly middle class, white backgrounds who come together for the common goal of physical fitness. The patterns of interaction which I observed basically coinsided with the statements in Bibliography: .

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Psychology Class free essay sample

Life span perspective helps us to know about other people and developmental nature and changes during their lifetime. It focuses on how individual process and carry out the movement and evolution throughout their lives along with the change. Lifespan perspective is multidirectional and development is also multidimensional. Life span perspective is not unidirectional and is focused on the experience, observation and experiment. Human development is plastic in nature and its main characteristics are development and change (Berger, 2008). There are two theories of lifespan perspective development: 1. Erik Erikson’s theory 2. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis. Both of these theories focus towards the internal drives and crisis due to management and internal conflicts. Freud treated his patients and discovered that their problem were as the outcomes of experiences they had in their early life (Berger, 2008). He analyzed that as children proceed further in their developmental stage, their focus drifts from mouth to the anus and then finally to the genitals. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology Class or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Freud in his theory discovered the three most important stages in development of a child including oral, phallic and anal and are characterized by taking an erotic nature. The initial stage is oral stage which focuses on the mouth. During initial childhood time, the anal become the erotic center while during the preschool year’s penis and phallic stage is the erotic center. He also states that phallic stage produces envy in girls and pride in boys. He concluded that reaction of their parents to child erotic drives create a deep and ever-lasting effect on the lifelong development and the personality of an individual (Berger, 2008). According to Feud, first and foremost motivation for behavior of a human being is sexual in nature however Erikson theory accepts the reason behind it to be social and shows a desire to affiliate with other human being. Freud theory focuses that our basic personality is molded during the early five years of life but Erikson theory states that, developmental change can occur in short stages all along the life span of an individual. Freud gives early experience more priority than later experience while Erikson laid more importance to both later as well as the experiences that occur in the early stages of life. In Erikson’s theory, he considered life as eight stages of development. At every stage, a unique and rare task of development is being faced by the individual with a crisis which must be faced and solved (Berger, 2008). The more successfully an individual resolve the crisis, the healthier their development will be. Erik Erikson’s theory focuses on how parental response, society, cultural patterns and history alters the stages of growth during childhood development. He also focuses on the exchange of development in human psyche in childhood and its social influence. He had a strong belief that psychological crisis enhances the development and growth all along the eight important stages of development. Heredity and environment has a great effect on the development. They influence the individuals from birth throughout their life time (Berger, 2008). They both constantly influence on development. There are various ways in which individuals are affected by environment. Environment and gene are related to each other. In human being have gene in their DNA which gets affected by the environment. If there is no gene, then there is no behavior and without an environment, none of the gene is able to express. Berger’s theory states that nature is something that is focused on the traits which are being inherited and nurture refers to external affects which influence the individual from the birth of an individual and throughout his lifespan (Berger, 2008). The interaction of nurture and nature both have an influence on the individual. The exchange of initial experiences and various experience and situation along with worldly accepted tendencies of culture and whole human race come together to create dynamic nature of the individual. Biological and genetic situations also have a deeper effect on an individual (Kempler, 2001). According to Berger, genes plays an important role as it affects every stage of human behavior including cognitive and social behavior, influence of environment on children which live in same home are not shared. So, both environmental influence and intrinsic states modify and affect the development. The genetics exchange along with the surrounding predicts the way of changes occur and the way by which these changes affect the individual and affect its development. So, heredity and environment play an important role in one’s life span development. References Berger, K. S. (2008). The developing person through the life span (7th ed. ). New York: Worth Publishers Kempler, B. (2001). Jung Society of Atlanta Resilience of the Human Spirit. Jung Society of Atlanta Provides fellowship amp; education relating to the work of Carl Jung. Retrieved December 16, 2010, from http://www. jungatlanta. com/resilience. html

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Definition of Corporate and Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility refers to all the efforts made by an organization to satisfy the interests of the society and its stakeholders. An organization goes beyond the expectations of regulatory bodies to promote the social welfare of its stakeholders and the surrounding community.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Definition of Corporate and Social Responsibility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Corporate Social Responsibility is not a profit making venture but a way of giving back to the society by guarding stakeholders’ interests. The benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility should trickle down to all the members in the community without any kind of discrimination. Corporate Social Responsibility should begin from within the organization where the welfare of employees is taken care of. Organizations are always under scrutiny by the, government public and other stakeholders with failure to parti cipate in activities that enhance the welfare of its customers, employees and the community at large dents its leading serious consequences. This essay will compare and contrast different Corporate Social Responsibility models used by organizations. The financial power exhibited by organizations means that the national economy of any country depends on their general input (Mallin, 2009). The surplus money that organizations have at their disposal should be used on funding environmental conservation and social welfare programs. The Social Corporate Responsibility concept is understood differently by different organizations. The Corporate Social Responsibility programs and initiatives are implemented using different models that depend on a company’s philosophy on Corporate Social Responsibility (Mallin, 2009). There is always a contention on how far organizations should go when trying to meet societal goals. Many Corporate Social Responsibility models used by organizations are normally integrated with the overall business model of the organization. Organizations are expected to comply with legal and ethical standards when carrying out corporate and social responsibilities. The pyramid of Social Corporate Responsibility is a graphic model that defines Corporate Social Responsibility in four parts. This broad definition has some similarities and differences with other Corporate Social Responsibility definitions (Mallin, 2009). The four facets of the Corporate Social Responsibility pyramid define and explain Social Corporate Responsibility from different perspectives.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Corporate Social Responsibilities are very wide and this calls for a clear understanding of the four perspectives. The economic facet that represents all the economic responsibilities of an organization forms the base of the pyramid (Mallin, 2009). Or ganizations have shareholders that invest in them with an aim of getting returns from their investment. The economic facet ensures that shareholders do not lose their investments. Companies have the responsibility of ensuring that investors receive rightful dividends and investment returns on time. It is the responsibility of a company to come up with ways of making profits for investors to enjoy the benefits of their investment. The economic facet brings a new dimension to the definition of Corporate Social Responsibility because other definitions do not actually highlight the investors’ welfare (Bacher, 2007). A profitable company ensures continuous supply of important goods and services as well as the creation of employments opportunities for the unemployed. It is the responsibility of an organization to come up with the right strategies and systems in order to improve its revenues for the benefit of shareholders (Bacher, 2007). The second facet of the Corporate Social Res ponsibility pyramid is the legal facet. Organizations have the responsibility of obeying all the regulations that govern its operations. The company has to adhere to all the laws and regulations governing environmental conservation, employee protection, consumer protection and contractual agreements. The legal facet of the pyramid only focuses on the laid down regulations but does not mention the extra effort put in place by organizations beyond the normal legal requirements (Bacher, 2007). Organizations come up with extra initiatives to help the community which supersede the minimal legal requirements. It is important for organizations to adhere to all regulations because failure to do so puts the company at the risk of being shut down and in the process harming investors and employees (Bacher, 2007). The third facet of the Corporate Social Responsibility pyramid is the ethical facet.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Definition of Corporate and Social Responsi bility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More All the activities of an organization should be just and fair without causing any harm to employees, consumers and the environment. It is the responsibility of an organization to observe the law and demonstrate ethical leadership for the benefit of all stakeholders (Bacher, 2007). Examples of an organization’s ethical responsibilities include waste management, genuine advertisements and how the employees are treated within the organization. It is also ethical for an organization to provide good working conditions for its employees. The ethical facet emphasizes the fact that Corporate Social Responsibility should begin from within the organization as it spreads to the community (Bacher, 2007). The fourth and final facet of the Corporate Social Responsibility is the philanthropic facet. This is the facet that is highlighted in almost all models of Corporate Social Responsibility. According to the philanthropic facet, it is the responsibility of organizations to commit its financial and human resources towards improving the quality of life in the community (Anderson, 1989). Some of the programs that organizations support under the philanthropic facet include health programs, educational programs, civic programs and volunteer programs (Anderson, 1989). The four facets of Social Corporate Responsibility have critical tensions among themselves (Anderson, 1989). There is a strong relationship between the economic facet and the philanthropic facet because the financial position of an organization determines whether it will participate in philanthropic programs or not. Philanthropic initiatives require finances and it becomes difficult for an organization that is struggling financially to sponsor philanthropic initiatives.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The economic and legal facets are dependent on each other since it is difficult for an organization to operate and make profits without having complied with all the laws and regulations (Anderson, 1989). All the components of the Corporate Social Responsibility pyramid are very important in the general running of an organization. The corporate Social Responsibility pyramid forms the basis on which different models are built upon. The similarities between the various Corporate Social Responsibility models are many compared to differences (Bacher, 2007). The objectives of Corporate Social Responsibility are very similar regardless of the model adopted by an organization. It is important to conduct a feasibility study before choosing the type of Corporate Social Responsibility model to use in a particular community. The two most common models are the constituency and the sustainability model (Bacher, 2007). The constituency model classifies an organization into different groups that ha ve similar interests. The company management should work hard to ensure the interests of each group are satisfied. Some of the constituencies under the constituency model include shareholders, employees, consumers, creditors and the outside community (Bacher, 2007). This model can lead to conflicts if an organization satisfies the interests of one group and fails to consider other groups. The interests of shareholders and non-shareholders should be considered in a company’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategies (Bacher, 2007). A company that focuses on making a lot of profits without giving its employees fair remunerations is bound to have conflicts. The idea of splitting an organization into constituencies is what makes this model to be very unique compared to other models (Schwartz, 2011). The Sustainability model takes a different approach by advocating for economic sustainability for the successful implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. Accord ing to the sustainability model, an organization should have long-term strategies to ensure it maintains profitability on a long-term basis (Schwartz, 2011). An organization’s future depends on the economic sustainability of the organization. The well-being of stakeholders is key to an organization’s sustainability. In conclusion, Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives are aimed at ensuring the interests of all stakeholders are satisfied. Corporate Social Responsibility is a way through which an organization can give back to the society. The Corporate Social Responsibility pyramid consists of four fundamental components that are necessary for a company to be fully operational (Schwartz, 2011). Corporate social Responsibility models may have different approaches but the goals and objectives are almost similar. The sustainability and constituency models are the two major models that organizations use when implementing Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. The Corporate Social Responsibility pyramid broadens the definition of Corporate Social Responsibility definition to include the economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic components. Corporate Social Responsibility Definitions have many similarities compared to differences because the goals and objectives are almost similar regardless of the model or approach a particular organization adopts. References Anderson, J., (1989). Corporate Social Responsibility: Guidelines for top management. New York, NY: ABC-CLIO. Bacher, C., (2007). Corporate Social Responsibility. New York, NY: GRIN Verlag. Mallin, C. (2009). Corporate Social Responsibility: A case study approach. New York, NY: Edward Elgar Publishing. Schwartz, M., (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility: An ethical approach. New York, NY: Broadview Press. This essay on Definition of Corporate and Social Responsibility was written and submitted by user Haley Pennington to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Quotes from Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Quotes from Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Metamorphosis is a famous novella by Franz Kafka. The work centers around a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa who wakes up one morning to realize hes turned into a bug. The absurdist story was considered to be part of the Dada art movement. Metamorphosis Quotes When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin. He was lying on his back as hard as armor plate, and when he lifted his head a little, he saw his vaulted brown belly, sectioned by arch-shaped ribs, to whose dome the cover, about to slide off completely, could barely cling. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, were waving helplessly before his eyes.- The Metamorphosis, Ch. 1 Why was only Gregor condemned to work for a firm where at the slightest omission they immediately suspected the worst? Were all employees louts without exception, wasnt there a single loyal, dedicated worker among them who, when he had not fully utilized a few hours of the morning for the firm, was driven half-mad by pangs of conscience and was actually unable to get out of bed? - The Metamorphosis, Ch. 1 And now he could see him, standing closest to the door, his hand pressed over his open mouth, slowly backing away as if repulsed by an invisible, unrelenting force. His mother - in spite of the managers presence she stood with her hair still unbraided from the night, sticking out in all directions - first looked at his father with her hands clasped, then took two steps towards Gregor, and sank down in the midst of her skirt spreading out around her, her face completely hidden on her breast. With a hostile expression, his father clenched his fist, as if to drive Gregor back into his room, then looked uncertainly around the living room, shielded his eyes with his hands, and sobbed with heaves of his powerful chest. - The Metamorphosis, Ch. 1 Those had been wonderful times, and they had never returned, at least not with the same glory, although later on Gregor earned enough money to meet the expenses of the entire family and actually did so. They had just gotten used to it, the family as well as Gregor, the money was received with thanks and given with pleasure. - The Metamorphosis, Ch. 2 Hardly she entered the room than she would run straight to the window without taking time to close the door - though she was usually so careful to spare everyone the sight of Gregors room - then tear open the casements with eager hands, almost as if she were suffocating, and remain for a little while at the window even in the coldest weather, breathing deeply. With this racing and crashing, she frightened Gregor twice a day; the whole time he cowered under the couch, and yet he knew very well that she would certainly have spared him this if only she had found it possible to stand being in a room with him with the window closed.- The Metamorphosis, Ch. 2 Into a room in which Gregor ruled the bare walls all alone, no human being beside Grete was ever likely to set foot.- The Metamorphosis, Ch. 2 Gregors serious wound, from which he suffered for over a month - the apple remained imbedded in his flesh as a visible souvenir since no one dared to remove it - seemed to have reminded even his father that Gregor was a member of the family, in spite of his present pathetic and repulsive shape, who could not be treated as an enemy; that on the contrary, it was the commandment of family duty to swallow their disgust and endure him, endure him and nothing more.- The Metamorphosis, Ch. 3 What the world demands of poor people they did to the utmost of their ability; his father brought breakfast for the minor officials at the bank, his mother sacrificed herself to the underwear of strangers, his sister ran back and forth behind the counter at the request of the customers; but for anything more than this they did not have the strength.- The Metamorphosis, Ch. 3 I wont pronounce the name of my brother in front of this monster, and so all I say is: we have to try and get rid of it. Weve done everything humanly possible to take care of it and to put up with it; I dont think anyone can blame us in the least.- The Metamorphosis, Ch. 3, pg. 51 Growing quieter and communicating almost unconsciously through glances, they thought that it would soon be time, too, to find her a good husband. And it was like a confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions when at the end of the ride their daughter got up first and stretched her young body.- The Metamorphosis, Ch. 3

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

2 - Essay Example Initially I did not take them seriously but eventually this became a daily affair. One day I was even humiliated in front of many patients and was occasionally made the laughing stock. I chose to stay mum on the subject and never reported it to my parents or friends. The abusing in the hospitals grew up day by day and one fine day I was seriously abused in front of one of my junior colleagues. Unable to gulp down the humiliation, I decided to report the instance to the HR manager but he said he was more interested in other important issues and advised me to handle these petty issues on my own. I was totally depressed and started having sleepless nights; I was so annoyed that I sometimes became rude to the patients. Due to this I used to have high blood pressure and as a result I took leave from work quite frequently. I also took leaves with pay cuts just for the reason that I did not want to face those group of bullying nurses. The things started taking a turn for the worse as my mentor came to know about my complaint to the HR manager. As revenge the entire group made up a falsified case against me for which I had no fault. I was reprimanded before the entire staff and humiliated badly. This was the last straw to break the camel’s back and I decided to resign from the job. This decision was extremely painful for me as it meant destroying a dream which I had nurtured as a child. My extent of frustration was so much that I decided to leave this profession forever and joined a lower paid job as a clerk in another organisation. Workplace bullying is often described in the nursing literature as a phenomenon which attracts considerable attention all over the world. Workplace relations have shown profound effects towards the physical health, mental health and the general well being of the employees. It has also been found that nurses who have been exposed to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Impact of Democratic Principles and Policies Application on War Essay

Impact of Democratic Principles and Policies Application on War Incidence - Essay Example This essay provides a comprehensive analysis in order to establish the specific impact of democracy, as well as economic integration and international institutions, on the prevention of wars. It also aims to establish, how the application of these democratic concepts affects the actual occurrence of war and of any other violent encounters within and among states. Human history has been riddled with various incidents of violence and wars. Wars have had causes, including poverty, social stratification, ethnic differences, as well as political differences. Wars have been seen within states, but mostly, it has involved one or more countries. Liberals argue that various instruments – democracy, economic integration, and international institutions – make wars less likely. They argue that where people have more freedom, they are less likely to take arms against the government or other countries; where they are more economically coordinated with each other, they are also less likely to declare wars against each other; and where international institutions are in place, the incidence of wars can be reduced or even eliminated. Others are however not convinced of these possible preventive measures for wars. Democratic pacifism seems to be the main basis of the contention that democracy makes wars less likely. Its ideas are based on the following premises: democracies rarely if ever go to war against each other; democracies tend to be more peaceful than dictatorships; democracies tend to have less internal violence.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Brief history and Mission Statement Research Paper

Brief history and Mission Statement - Research Paper Example The mission statement of Southwest Airline is still applicable today and it reflects the main focus of the airline is to offer the highest quality services to its clients so that they can be satisfied. Thus, it reveals that satisfying customers and providing the highest quality services are the topmost priorities of Southwest Airlines. Southwest Airlines started its businesses in 1967 with the name of Air Southwest Co however the name of the company was changed in 1976 to Southwest Airlines Co. in 1975, the company was first listed in American Stock Exchange and then it migrated to NYSE in the year 1977. Herb Kelleher became the Chief Executive officer and President of Southwest Airlines in the year 1981 and before that he was the chairman since 1978. In 1990, total revenues of the airline were recorded to be more than $1 billion thus making Southwest Airlines as one of the major players in the airline industry. In 1994, the airline acquired Morris Air and Arizone One to expand its services (Southwest Airlines). To satisfy the customers and provide them more facilities, the airline started online booking system in 1996. SWABIZ, a travelling plan for business travelers was introduced in 2000 with which business travelers could plan, purchase and track business travel. DING, an application was introduced in 2005 by Southwest Airline that notified customers about exclusive offers of the company. No such application was introduced by any other company in the airline industry before Southwest Airlines (Southwest Airlines). For sixteen consecutive years (1991 through 2006), the Department of Transportation Air Travel Consumer Report listed Southwest airlines as among the top five of all major carriers for on-time performance and fewest customer complaints. Southwest is the only airline to ever hold the Triple Crown (first in all of the categories) for its annual performance. No

Friday, November 15, 2019

Evaluating Path Queries Over Updated Route Collection

Evaluating Path Queries Over Updated Route Collection EVALUATING PATH QUERIES OVER FREQUENTLY UPDATED ROUTE COLLECTION Miss S. Deepa, Mr M. Baskar ABSTRACT The recent advances in the infrastructure of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the proliferation of GPS technology, have resulted in the abundance of geo-data in the form of sequences of points of interest (POIs), waypoints etc. To sets of such sequences as route collections. The path queries on frequently updated route collections: given a route Collection and two point’s ns and nt, a path query returns a path, i.e., a sequence of points that connects ns to nt. The introduce two path query evaluation paradigms that enjoy the benefits of search algorithms (i.e., fast index maintenance) while utilizing transitivity information to terminate the search sooner. Efficient indexing schemes and appropriate updating procedures are introduced. An extensive experimental evaluation verifies the advantages of our methods compared to conventional graph-based search. Keywords: GIS, RTS, MRSE, Data Mining, GPS. 1. INTRODUCTION Data mining is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information. The data mining algorithms need to process large amounts of data, the desired patterns has to be found under acceptable computational efficiency limitations. The main goal of data mining is to discover new patterns for the users and to interpret the data patterns to provide meaningful and useful information for the users. Data mining has widely use in various do mains such as medical, healthcare, higher education, telecommunication etc. Databases today can range in size into the terabytes more than 1,000,000,000,000 bytes of data. Within these masses of data lies hidden information of strategic importance. But when there are so many trees, how do you draw meaningful conclusions about the forest? The newest answer is data mining, which is being used both to increase revenues and to reduce costs. The potential returns are enormous. innovative organizations worldwide are already using data Mining to locate and appeal to higher-value customers, to reconfigure their product offerings to Increase sales, and to minimize losses due to error or fraud. Data mining is a process that uses a variety of data analysis tools to discover patterns and Relationships in data that may be used to make valid predictions. The first and simplest analytical step in data mining is to describe the data summarize its statistical attributes (such as means and standard deviations), visually review it using charts and graphs, and look for potentially meaningful links among variables (such as values that often occur together). As emphasized in the section on the data mining process, collecting, exploring and selecting the right data are critically important. But data description alone cannot provide an action plan. The must build a predictive model based on patterns determined from known results, then test that model on results outside the original samples. 1.1 OVERVIEW OF ROUTE COLLECTION Updating Route Collections The case when new routes are added in the collection, while addresses deletions. The all index structures are stored as inverted file on secondary storage. To handle frequent updates, we perform lazy updates, deferring propagation of changes to the disk by maintain additional information in main memory. Then, at some time, a batch update process reflects all changes to the disk resident indices. Insertions are handled by merging memory-resident information with disk-based indices, while deletions require rebuilding of the affected lists. Routes of Database THE LINK TRAVERSAL SEARCH PARADIGM Although the algorithms of Section 3 perform fewer iterations than conventional depth-first search on the route collection graph GR, they share three shortcomings. First, they perform redundant iterations by visiting non-links. To understand this, consider that the current search node is not a link and belongs to a single route. Further, assume that the algorithm has visited which is the link immediately before. Observe that if the termination condition does not hold at then it neither holds. To make matters worse, retrieving routes is pointless as it contains a single route in which all nodes after are already in the stack. The second shortcoming is that the termination check is expensive. For current search node, recall that both RTS and RTST retrieve lists routes and routes from R-Index, while RTST additionally retrieves all lists transfrom T -Index for each included in routes. This cost is amplified by the number of iterations, as the algorithms perform the check for every node popped. The final shortcoming is due to the traversal policy. For each route that the current search node belongs to, the algorithms insert into the stack route subsequences that contain a very large number of nodes. This increases the space requirements of Q (and consequently of sets H, A). More importantly, however, some of these nodes may never be visited, which results to redundant I/Os incurred to retrieve them. A good model should never be confused with reality (you know a road map isn’t a perfect representation of the actual road), but it can be a useful guide to understanding your business. The final step is to empirically verify the model. For example, from a database of customers who have already responded to a particular offer, you’ve built a model predicting which prospects are likeliest to respond to the same offer. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY P.Bouros, S.Skiadopoulos, T.Dalamagas, D.Sacharidis, and T.K.Sellis. The propose a novel framework, called Mobile Commerce Explorer (MCE), for mining and prediction of mobile users’ movements and purchase transactions under the context of mobile commerce. To our best knowledge, this is the first work that facilitates mining and prediction of mobile users’ commerce behaviors in order to recommend stores and items previously unknown to a user. The perform an extensive experimental evaluation by simulation and show that our proposals produce excellent results. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein Searching temporal patterns on personal histories that have hundreds or thousands of events with tens of thousands of histories in a database can take a long time. Our experience in building a query interface extension for Amalgam revealed some performance problems using SQL. A temporal pattern query in SQL is not feasible for the hospital’s database of thousands of patients because of prohibitively high number of self-join operations. Only after building additional indices and preprocessing (which it can take hours) could a temporal pattern query be managed Even so, the running time increases exponentially with the number of elements in the pattern. J. Cheng, J. X. Yu, X. Lin, H.Wang, and P. S. Yu To consider path queries on frequently updated route collections: given a route collection and two points ns and nt, a path query returns a path, i.e., a sequence of points, that connects ns to nt. We introduce two path query evaluation paradigms that enjoy the benefits of search algorithms (i.e., fast index maintenance) while utilizing transitivity information to terminate the search sooner. Efficient indexing schemes and appropriate updating procedures are introduced. An extensive experimental evaluation verifies the advantages of our methods compared to conventional graph-based search. 3. ALGORITHM FILTER ALGORITHM Input: D (F0, F1 Fn−1) // a training data set with N features S0 // a subset from which to start the search ÃŽ ´ // a stopping criterion Output: Sbest // an optimal subset step1: begin step2: initialize: Sbest = S0; step3: ÃŽ ³best = eval (S0, D, M); // evaluate S0 by an independent measure M step4: do begin step5: S = generate (D); // generate a subset for evaluation step6: ÃŽ ³ = eval(S, D, M); // evaluate the current subset S by M step7: if (ÃŽ ³ is better than ÃŽ ³best) step8: ÃŽ ³best = ÃŽ ³; step9: Sbest = S; step10: end until (ÃŽ ´ is reached); step11: return Sbest; step12: end; 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT This section presents a detailed study of all algorithms introduced. This Section details the setting, while evaluate index construction, querying and index maintenance, respectively, of all methods. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP The route traversal methods, RTS and RTST, and the link traversal algorithms, LTS, LTST and LTS-k. To gauge performance we compare against conventional depth-first search (DFS) on the reduced routes graph GR. All algorithms are written in C++ and compiled with the evaluation is performed on a 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU with 4GB RAM running Debian Linux. We generate synthetic route collections varying the following parameters: The number of routes in the collection, |R|, The route length, The number of distinct nodes in the routes, |N|, and The links/nodes ratio. In each experiment, we vary one of the parameters while we keep the others to their default values. EVALUATING PATH QUERIES The efficiency of the proposed methods for processing PATH queries. All reported values are the averages taken by posing 5,000 distinct queries. Note that in Sections all considered queries have an answer, i.e., a path exists; the case of queries with no answer is investigated in the Section. Route vs link traversal search. The route traversal search methods RTS and RTST against the basic link traversal search algorithm LTS in terms of the execution time, while varying |R|, |N| and in respectively. Varying the number of routes |R|. As |R| increases, finding a path between two nodes becomes easier. This is exhibited by RTST and LTS. In contrast, the execution time of RTS increases with |R| as it performs more iteration compared to RTST, which has a stronger termination condition, and to LTS, which only visits links. Varying the route length The same observations hold when the route length increases. The performance of RTS deteriorates faster, since, in addition to requiring more iteration, each iteration costs more, as RTS inserts in the stack longer subsequences of routes. Varying the number of nodes |N|. When |N| increases, finding a path becomes harder. The advantage of RTST over RTS decreases with |N|, because the benefit of a stronger termination condition diminishes as the total execution time is dominated by the number of iterations required. The advantage of LTS over RTS decreases because the benefit of traversing the links diminishes as each link is contained in fewer routes. Note that even for large |N|, not examined in This experiments set, RTS can never outperform LTS as they employ the same termination condition and RTS will always need more iterations than LTS. The same argument carries to RTST compared to LTST. 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE The problem of evaluating path queries on large disk-resident routes collections that are frequently updated. It introduced two generic search based paradigms, route traversal search and link traversal search, that exploit local transitivity information to expedite path query evaluation. The involved index structures and their maintenance strategies are designed to cope with frequent updates The first time to define and solve the problem of multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted cloud data, and establish a variety of privacy requirements. Among various multi-keyword semantics, we choose the efficient principle of â€Å"coordinate matching†, i.e., as many matches as possible, to effectively capture similarity between query keywords and outsourced documents, and use â€Å"inner product similarity† to quantitatively formalize such a principle for similarity measurement. For meeting the challenge of supporting multi-keyword semantic without privacy breaches, first propose a basic MRSE scheme using secure inner product computation, and significantly improve it to achieve privacy requirements in two levels of threat models. Thorough analysis investigating privacy and efficiency guarantees of proposed schemes is given, and experiments on the real-world dataset show our proposed schemes introduce low overhead on both computation and communication. 6. REFERENCES P. Bouros, S. Skiadopoulos, T. Dalamagas, D. Sacharidis, and T. K.Sellis, â€Å"Evaluating reachability queries over path collections,†inSSDBM, 2009, pp. 398–416. E. Cohen, E. Halperin, H. Kaplan, and U. Zwick, â€Å"Reachability and distance queries via 2-hop labels,† in SODA, 2002, pp. 937–946. R. Schenkel, A. Theobald, and G. Weikum, â€Å"Hopi: An efficient connection index for complex xml document collections,†inEDBT, 2004, pp. 237–255. â€Å"Efficient creation and incremental maintenance of the hopi index for complex xml document collections,† in ICDE, 2005, pp.360–371. J. Cheng, J. X. Yu, X. Lin, H.Wang, and P. S. Yu, â€Å"Fast computation of reachability labeling for large graphs,† in EDBT, 2006, pp. 961–979. â€Å"Fast computing reachability labelings for large graphs with high compression rate,† in EDBT, 2008, pp. 193–204. R. Bramandia, B. Choi, and W. K. Ng, â€Å"On incremental maintenance of 2-hop labeling of graphs,† in WWW, 2008, pp. 845–854. R. Jin, Y. Xiang, N. Ruan, and D. Fuhry, â€Å"3-hop: a high compression indexing scheme for reachability query,† in SIGMODConference, 2009, pp. 813–826.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Micheal Dransfield :: essays research papers

Michael Dransfield: A poet you can feel, but never truly understand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During a time of great change, both ideally and physically, in Australian history, a young man by the name of Michael Dransfield made his presence known in the highly evolving scene of poetry. Dransfield was an eccentric character, to say the least, and was recognized for his masterful ability of truly capturing the essence of many of life’s situations. Regardless of the â€Å"heaviness† or the difficulties of the subject matter being portrayed throughout his poetry, Dransfield was mentally equipped to fully encompass any life experience and dawn light on some of its â€Å"eternal truths† in the world. Although he tragically died of a heroin overdose in 1973 (he was 24 years old), Dransfield made a lasting impression on Australian poetry; never to be forgotten and to be forever considered â€Å"one of the foremost poets of the ’68 generation of counter-cultural dreamers† (Chan, 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout his brief existence on this earth, Dransfield was able to produce an extensive body of work that ranged from the human act of â€Å"loving† to the dreadful experience of having a drug overdose. His work is â€Å"framed within the literary construct of the ‘Generation of ’68’† because it undeniably challenged the â€Å"literary status quo† during that period of time, and he â€Å"overwhelmed it with sheer talent† (Kinsella, 2002). Dransfield was innovative, unique, and was seen as somewhat a â€Å"global poet, and something of a prophet† (Kinsella, 2002). He existed during a time where poets were more inclined to avoid any mention of what they really did ( in the drug using sense), taking refuge in the socially accepted subject of football, rather than confronting the challenges associated with drug use. Dransfield had no such inhibitions, he was the â€Å"quintessential drug poet† in Australi an literary history, and it was through his drug usage—both the beauty and the destruction of it—that Dransfield was able to fully let his talent and generosity shine for all to see. He blazed the new trails for all those that were to follow him, and successfully created a place for the â€Å"authentic experience† in the realm of poetry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is a shame that it took such a personal tragedy â€Å"for [Dransfield] to engage so definitively with the experience of addiction†¦in such an astonishingly short time† (Armand, 1997). His work can only be marveled at and admired for its â€Å"richly cosmopolitan tone, its urgent sense of possibility, its sheer ‘cannibal energy’, and its persistent attempt to resolve difficult emotional problems† (Armand, 1997).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Literature and Society Essay

A general knowledge of the social and cultural setting in which a novel is written is important, for most novels mirror the customs and values of a particular society, often criticizing it. The Hertfordshire country town where the greater part of the novel is set is Longbourn, only a mile from the market town of Meryton and 24 miles from London. The neighborhood around the Bennets is large, for they dine with twenty-four different families, only three of which are named. The Bennet’s society is drawn largely from Meryton (which is the mother’s background) rather than from the country (which is the father’s), for she is more sociable than her husband. Mrs. Bennet, however, is without social ambition except for her desire to have her daughters marry rich men. Pride and Prejudice is, thus, set among the rural middle and upper classes who are landowners. None of the major characters works, for these moneyed classes live entirely on their income from rents and inherit ances. There are, however, petty distinctions among the landed classes, determined by the amount of wealth possessed by the members. For instance, Miss Bengali and her sister look down on the Bennets because they are not as wealthy. Class distinctions in Jane Austen’s time were in fact very rigid. The land-owning aristocracy belonged to the highest rung of the social ladder, and all power was in their hands. Next in rank came the gentry. The new, prosperous industrialists and traders (like Mr. Gardiner) were gradually rising as a class, but had still not won the right to vote. The lowest in English society were the workers and laborers. For the women of the time, life was largely restricted to the home and the family. For the poor and the lower-class women, there was ample work in the home and in the fields to keep them busy. But for the ladies of the landed upper-classes, life was one big round of dances, dinners, cards, and visits to friends and relatives. They were not required to do any household work. â€Å"Ladies,† thus, lived a life of ease and leisure, mainly concerned with society, children, and marriage. By the nineteenth century, the upper classes no longer arranged marriages. Instead, a girl was introduced to society (and eligible bachelors) at a reception hosted by a married woman who had herself been presented. Generally, a girl â€Å"came out† only after her elder sister was married. (No wonder Lady Catherine is shocked when she hears that all of Elizabeth’s sisters have started dating before she is wed.) Women’s education in the nineteenth century was restricted to the daughters of a few families of the upper classes. In most cases, it was thought to be a waste of time to educate girls. Rich and noble families (like that of Lady Catherine de Bourgh) engaged gove rnesses for educating their daughters or sent them away to boarding school, but most women were self-educated at home. Traveling in Jane Austen’s time was accomplished in horse-drawn carriages, and a family’s social status was determined by its kind of carriage. Because carriages were slow, travel was limited. Communication of mail and news was also slow, and there were no daily newspapers. As a result, the outside world does not play a part in Austen’s novels. Instead, she turns her attention in entirety to the things she knew: family and values. Essay on the connection between literature and society Literature means something that is written for refreshing and inspiring the mind. It records the thoughts and feelings of great minds. It attracts in two ways—through its matter and through its manner. The matter must be such that those who read it are interested in some way. The manner must be such as will be pleasing to the reader and adds to his fund of knowledge. We live in a society. That is, there are relations and interrelation between men who live in the society. We like to hear about our fellow men who live in society, their thoughts and feelings, their likes and dislikes. Naturally, if we have the power of language to express the feelings, we are well on the way to creating literature. In other words, the subject matter of literature is society in some form or other. The poet expresses his feeling and we who read his poetry are interested and feel at one with him and ourselves. After all, society is this bond of fellowship between man and man through communication that the poet or writer seeks. If literature expresses social sympathies, naturally it is bound to exercise some positive influence on our mind and attitude. Society reacts to literature in a living way. An inspiring poem creates general influence on society. It rouses our feelings and enthusiasm for welfare. Shelley has called poets the unacknowledged legislators of mankind. The function of a legislator is to lay down the law, a settled course of action that men may follow. Poetry and literature generally do this in a quiet and unobtrusive way. Novels are known to have changed the direction of the human mind and set in motion movements that have altered our ways of life. The influence of literature on society is felt directly or indirectly. Thus Miss Stowe’s â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin’ was directly responsible for a movement against slavery in literature and life in USA of those days. The novels of Dickens had an indirect influence in creating in society a feeling for regulating and removing social wrongs, calling for necessary reforms. Sarat Chandra’s novels have gone a long way in breaking conservatism as regards women in our society. It is, however, clear that if we are interested in literature, and its influence is bound to move us amply. Literature is made out of the lore of life. No doubt, the realistic artist brings to a focus the oddities and cruder aspects of life overmuch. But to know life fully, not only the bright side but also the seamy and dark side of life is to be known. Thus, society creates literature. It may be described as the mirror of the society. But the quality and nature of the reflection depends upon the writer’s attitude of mind, whether he is progressive in his outlook or reactionary. Naturally, conservative-minded writer will stress those aspects of social life, which put the traditional ways of life in the best possible way. For example, he will set a high value on reverence for age-old ideals, respect for religion, chastity of woman and so on. On the other hand, a progressive writer will tend to show how old ideals act as restraints on the natural freedom of the human mind, cripple the free movement of man and women in an unrestricted atmosphere, set for liberating new ideals and moving society that looks forward to newer ways of life.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Charlotte Riots and the Killing of Keith Scott

The Charlotte Riots and the Killing of Keith Scott Deadly riots broke out in Charlotte, North Carolina, in September 2016. What had been peaceful protests over the police killing of an African American man named Keith Lamont Scott turned into a melee involving both demonstrators and the authorities. The spread of gunfire, vandalism, and smoke bombs during the riots led the North Carolina governor to declare a state of emergency. In the end, neither the city of Charlotte nor the people caught up in the protests were left unscathed. The 2016 Charlotte Riots The Charlotte riots took place in 2016 after a black man named Keith Lamont Scott was killed by police on Sept. 20. Officers said he had a gun, but Scott’s family denied he was armed and suggested he’d been framed. The riots ended by the morning of Sept. 23, but they had resulted in property damage, injuries, and more than a few dozen arrests. Tragically, one man, Justin Carr, died during the violence that broke out in Charlotte after Scott’s killing.The district attorney ultimately decided not to file charges against the officer who shot Scott because evidence suggested the slain man had been armed and did not follow commands. The Killing of Keith Lamont Scott The Charlotte riots took place just one day after a Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer fatally shot married father of seven Keith Lamont Scott. The 43-year-old man had parked his car in the lot of the Village at College Downs apartment complex, where police had arrived to serve an arrest warrant to a different individual. The officers said they saw Scott with marijuana and that he’d gotten in and out of his car with a handgun. When they told him to drop his weapon, he ignored their commands, making him an â€Å"imminent threat,† according to the authorities. Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer Brentley Vinson, who is African American, fired his weapon, wounding Scott. First aid was performed, but Scott did not survive. His wife, Rakeyia Scott, had witnessed his killing and maintained that he was holding a book in his hand, not a gun. Given the history of police shooting unarmed black men, supporters of Scott believed his wife’s account. However, the authorities attempted to verify their version of what happened by stating that they had recovered Scott’s loaded gun from the scene and that he had been wearing an ankle holster. They also said that no book was ever found. Protestors march up Trade St. September 21, 2016 in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina.   Sean Rayford / Getty Images The disparities between law enforcement’s account of events and Rakeyia Scott’s led protesters to take to the streets. The fact that his family suggested that the authorities had planted the gun at the scene only led to more skepticism about the officers involved in Scotts shooting. Several people were harmed during the demonstrations over his death. Riots Break Out in Charlotte Just hours after Scott’s killing, demonstrators poured into the streets. They held the trademark â€Å"Black Lives Matter† signs often spotted in the wake of deadly police shootings of African Americans. The grassroots Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement gained momentum after Mike Brown’s killing in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014. The movement raises awareness about the fact that African Americans are disproportionately killed by the police. Protesters affiliated with BLM and other groups chanted â€Å"no justice, no peace!† as they marched through downtown Charlotte. Some members of the public reportedly began to pelt the police officers on the scene with water bottles and rocks. The officers responded by firing tear gas. During the unrest, police, news reporters, and civilians all sustained injuries. Arrests were made when some crowd members didn’t disperse, blocked the lanes of Interstate 85, vandalized vehicles and buildings, robbed an ATM and various shops, and set fires. A civilian named Justin Carr, 21,  lost his life in the violence, and a fellow civilian, Rayquan Borum, was arrested for shooting him and sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2019. Altogether, 44 people were arrested for various crimes in the days following the police killing of Keith Lamont Scott. Police officers face off with protesters on the I-85 (Interstate 85) during protests in the early hours of September 21, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina.   Sean Rayford / Getty Images When North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency in Charlotte after the first night of violence, the North Carolina National Guard and the North Carolina State Highway Patrol arrived in the city to quash the rebellion. In addition, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts instituted a curfew preventing civilians from being on the streets between the hours of midnight and 6 a.m.  With extra law enforcement patrolling the streets and a curfew, the protests had calmed down considerably on the night of September 22. The mayor extended the curfew one more night, but by September 23, Charlotte businesses were already up and running again. Reaction to the Violence The riots made international headlines and everyone from then-presidential candidate Donald Trump to black activists commented on them. â€Å"Our country looks bad to the world, especially when we are supposed to the world’s leader,† Trump said. â€Å"How can we lead when we can’t even control our own cities? We honor and recognize the right of all Americans to peacefully assemble, protest, and demonstrate, but there is no right to engage in violent disruption or to threaten the public safety and peace.† The North Carolina NAACP issued a similar message, decrying violence and calling on Scott supporters to use their First Amendment rights to call for redress of wrongs,† the group said. â€Å"We understand efforts that undermine the legitimate calls for justice with unjust, random or purposeless acts of violence.   Police stand outside of a vandalized storefront September 21, 2016 in uptown Charlotte, North Carolina.   Sean Rayford / Getty Images Nation of Islam leader B.J. Murphy had a different response to the riots. He called for an economic boycott of Charlotte, a city with a history of police shootings involving black men. In 2013, former college football player Jonathan Farrell, an African American, was fatally shot by Charlotte police after seeking help following a car crash. A jury deadlocked on whether to find the white policeman who killed Farrell guilty. Later, charges against the officer were dropped. In light of police violence against blacks, B.J. Murphy argued that black money shouldn’t matter in Charlotte if black lives don’t.   Restoring the Public’s Trust After the riots, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department attempted to rebuild the public’s trust in its officers. It produced DNA results tying Keith Lamont Scott’s prints to the gun at the scene and turned up evidence indicating that he’d purchased the weapon. The department did this, in part, to offset claims by Scott’s family that he’d been framed in death, but this evidence failed to put an end to the disputes between the family and the police department. Video of the encounter taken by police dashcams and Rakeyia Scott’s cell phone did not end the dispute either because it did not include the actual shooting. The footage also lacked a clear image of what Scott had in his hands when police fired their shots, so the debates about his conduct that fateful day continued. The authorities said he was a threat, while his widow said he walked toward police calmly with his hands at his sides. Residents gather for a vigil and march to protest the death of Keith Scott September 21, 2016 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Scott, who was black, was shot and killed at an apartment complex near UNC Charlotte by police officers, who say they warned Scott to drop a gun he was allegedly holding.   Brian Blanco / Getty Images Two months after Scott’s killing, Mecklenburg District Attorney Andrew Murray said that no charges would be filed against Brentley Vinson, the officer who fired the fatal shot. Murray reasoned that the evidence indicated that Scott had been armed at the time of his killing. His .380 semiautomatic handgun, according to police, had fallen to the ground after he was shot. The district attorney concluded that Scott didn’t aim his weapon at officers, but he didn’t obey their orders to drop it either. Scotts family expressed disappointment in the district attorney’s findings but asked the public to keep the peace. Sources Gordon, Michael. â€Å"Charlotte protests, riots are the backdrop in the murder trial of Rayquan Borum.† Charlotte Observer, 7 February 2019.Maxwell, Tanya and Melanie Eversley. â€Å"N.C. Gov. declares state of emergency following violent Charlotte protests.† USA Today, 21 September 2016.â€Å"Jury deadlocked in North Carolina officer shooting trial; mistrial declared.† CBS News, 21 August 2015.â€Å"State of emergency in Charlotte amid 2nd night of violent protests.† CBS News, 21 September 2016.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Film and Indian Movies Essays

Film and Indian Movies Essays Film and Indian Movies Essay Film and Indian Movies Essay we do not have that much power and enthusiasm and also time to watch movies. youth as a grown ups,they should make themselves to grasp good things in a movie. Movies has a power to make the world and break the world. Indian actors and Indian movies are very much popular in Pakistani youth. Bollywood is one of the largest showbiz industries of the world. In Pakistan the Bollywood movies are very much famous and the real reason of Indian movies popularity is the gradually downward of our Pakistani showbiz industry. It is said that Urdu language became famous all over the world because of Indian Movies. Indian movies are promoting Indian culture and you would obviously know that all the Indian movies are based on Hindu mythology. Indian movies and Indian dramas are great source for the promotion of Indian culture. Experts believe that if you want to dominant on a nation you should capture their minds through propaganda and cultivate your own culture in their lives. Indian movies are doing the same thing with Pakistani nation. It is very famous incident of our daily life on marriages children mostly ask that husband didn’t wore â€Å"Mangal Sotar† so the marriage is still incomplete. Here we will discuss the overall impact of Indian movies on Pakistani youth as well as on the other people who watch Indian movies. First of all I would like to appreciate some Indian movies that nicely convey some public messages and highlighted some major issues. Munna Bhai in which Sanjay Datt conveyed a beautiful message that we can get our rights without any illegal methods. There are lots of ways rather than illegal ways to get your rights which he named â€Å"Gandi Geeri†. Similarly 3 Idiots is one of the beautiful movie in which they highlighted the flaws of educational system and also introduced new strategies for the betterment of education. â€Å"My Name is Khan† is also one of the best movies. But there is great number of Indian Movies that which are responsible for the promotion of crimes in the society. Most of the action movies are based on a same theme that someone do something bad with a person or family and in the response the hero of the movie started to take revenge. This common theme mostly conveys that in society you should be fight for your rights and mostly you should kill the people. The experts believe that the movies are very much influential on the daily life of people and most of the young boys and girls wanted to be like the hero of different Indian movies and they also wanted to cross the limitations

Sunday, November 3, 2019

An investigation on Crystals belief that the language of texting Essay

An investigation on Crystals belief that the language of texting contain features which are not linguistically novel but contain antecedents in earlier language use - Essay Example ill also look at how adults have adapted to the use of the language, nullifying much of the advantages that adolescents believed they had gained from its use. In looking at the responses to a questionnaire on the topic of text messaging, a determination can be made on the level of infiltration that the language has made into current culture can be assessed. Finally, the study will make some recommendations on the development and legitimacy of the language, utilizing the research to create informed conclusions. In the past decade, the increase in the use of an abbreviated language to communicate in the form of the text message has become a significant addition to the number of ways in which information is passed. In using this method of communication, an adoption of a new language has created a controversy over the possible diminished depth of formal writing in favor of the simplistic version of language that is used in SMS (short message service). As a generational gap is created by the introduction of these technologies to the youth, the worry becomes more integrated into parental concerns over a form of language that cannot be easily deciphered. As the text messages in contemporary society become linguistically defined by standardized terms that are becoming recognizable on a universal level, a new language has emerged that requires identification, interpretation, and examination for its validity. The creation of convenient language that interprets current cultural needs is not a new phenomenon. Meaning that is developed contextually and contains relevance to popular culture has been the vernacular of language throughout history. The way in which intimates communicate has always been through language that is developed in such a way as to have an exclusionary effect. By creating a language for communicating through the technology of text messaging, society is continuing a tradition that is not new in history. Therefore, the creation of this language

Friday, November 1, 2019

Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10

Microeconomics - Essay Example Obviously, from the economic point of view, the higher the quantity and then the higher the price associated with each, the higher the revenue. This makes sense, because increasing the pricing for the linked quantity can remarkably improve revenue growth. On the other hand, this is not the usual case in the real world. There is also a case by which the revenue will fall, after increasing the price. If on the other hand, the students are not willing to pay for an increase tuition fee at NSU, they may also consider the possibility of going to an alternative University with at least lower or affordable tuition fees. This means that increasing the tuition at NSU will definitely decrease the number of enrolees in the semester. This leads to the possibility of lower revenue even if the tuition is set a bit higher this time. If the number of enrolees significantly dropped down until to the point that the revenue is highly affected, then increasing the tuition is not going to be a good idea. The revenue will remain the same, provided that there are students who still enrol at the NSU, and others considering the other universities. If at some point, the number of students who enrolled at NSU will be at least lower from the previous, but when the amount of tuition increase will still compensate the amount of revenue at the past, then this is the case that the NSU will most likely to have the same revenue, but then the number of students must have been significantly reduced at some point. If students are still enrolling at NSU despite higher tuition, the university must have significant assets that the students cannot just simply eliminate. The university might have sound and standard quality of education or excellent service performance that the students will now be hesitant to change their university. In other words, they cannot find substitute that might be as excellent as

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Central Bank of Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Central Bank of Japan - Essay Example On the contrary, deflation is marked by an aggregation of supplies, but demand does not. Barring this blemish, the explanations on deflation, its character, causes and effect are worthy of praise, considering its simplicity and subtle reasoning. Considering the background situation, the papers' comparison of the Japanese deflation and the Great Depression of US and the identification of the similarities is commendable. Backing it up with comparative data would have given more credibility to the argument. The sections in the paper present a logical organization of the content to be described. Naturally, the introduction is followed by the description of the intended area of study, the primary tools of correction, their effect in countering deflation, and finally, the conclusion transgress in a clear and coherent way. The construction of the sentences and presentation of facts affects the clarity of thought, spoiling the understanding of the intended message. To cite an example, page three, second paragraph, first sentence states, "The money supply and money velocity did not decrease, however it did not immediately increase to make up for the shocks in the good and services market". Of course, the statement is true, but it could have been presented better. Say, the sentence could have been in this way, "Though the monetary supply and velocity was adequately maintained, it did not react immediately and increase to make up for the shocks in the goods and services market". It would have also made the next sentence more meaningful and continuous. This accentuates the easy understanding of the complex nature of the subject. 4. Do the paragraphs present Ideas clearly with one topic sentence per paragraph and all sentences supporting that topics sentence The paper is presented into paragraphs with clear and concrete ideas and the topical statement clearly complimented by the other sentences in the paragraph. There are quite a few repetitions amongst paragraphs due to ambiguous construction of sentences. 5. Evaluate the stapling, the typing and other physical attributes relative to a serious, professional effort by a bright graduate of a prestigious university. The physical attributes of the paper with respect to shaping and typing are good. However, the formatting could have been better like, say in the third page, the title of the third part along hangs at the bottom and so does the fourth in the fifth page. It could have been moved to the next page. The headings too are missing. Similarly, acronyms without abbreviation could have been avoided (e.g., WWI could have been written as World War II). More importantly, use of a professional way of expression could well do more good. Use of phrases like "the central bank was gambling" and redundant use of "they" might be avoided to prevent the tag of a casual and

Monday, October 28, 2019

First Aid Lab Essay Example for Free

First Aid Lab Essay Ever since warfare started humans have had to find ways to mend and preserve there bodies for fighting with medical care. The battlefield has been the birth place of many modern techniques used today to treat injury. One of the most important area of warfar is First Aid. First Aid is extremly important in the military, especialy while in a hostile area or on the batttlefield. First Aid is thee to take immediate action in treating the wounded when on the battlefield or in a hostile zone. The true begining of the usage of First Aid in the United States started with the Revolutionary War. Around this time in history the United States position in medical knowledge and safty was extremly poor. During the war there where many men from the Colonial Army who died from wounds that were untreated. As the Colonial Army took casualties for untreated wounds they finally established military hospitals and required that a surgeon and two sugeon mates accompanied each regiment on the field. Although this may have helped a little, soldiers where still dying from dieseases such as pneumonia, dysentery and smallpox. It wasnt until General George Washington petitioned the Continental Congress to establish what he called the Hospital: a general medical corps for soldiers. This was set up to serve an Army of 20,000 with four surgeons, an apothecary, 20 surgeons mates, one clerk, a storekeeper and one nurse for every 10 patients. This was the first organized military medical facility established in the newly forming United States. Although they had the facility and the faculty, soliders where still dying at a high rate. Advancements in First Aid took place as time continued and as the militaey began to grow in numbers. The Civil War brought many moe advancements in First Aid such as the development of a ambulance corps. In the civil war times the military treated there wounded based on the likelyhood of survival because of supply shortages and lack of time needed to properly treat all the wounded. First Aid became availible directly on the battle field for the first time in the Civil War. This was a huge success during the war and has been used now in modern day military First Aid tactics. After the Civil War, there was a length of time with no war which slightly haulted advancements in military First Aid. Although there werent any wars there where other important events within that time that help imporve first aid in the military such as the birth of the American Red Cross, the ratification of the first Geneva Convention, military orders to teach basic first aid to soldiers. After the time of peace in the United States, America was at wa again and first aid only continued to imporve as technology advanced. World War I was the start of Army medical personal being assigned to word directly in the field. The advancements in the development of the ambulance was huge during the war.They provided not only first aid but a way to evacuate when needed. During WWI new technologies greatly improved Army first aid with things such as the portable X-ray, the antiseptics and inoculations. This helped bring the numbers of death down drasticlly. Also the increase of medical knowlege helped keep death numbes down as well with new medicines such as penicillin and antimalarials. Morphine also started being used to wounded soldiers to help ease their pain. Due to all of these medical advancements the likely-hood of death dropped 30% by the end of WWII First aid training is extremely important in the military. It is important to know how to treat the wounded and the sick as quickly and safely as possible. First aid has progressed into a tactical and complex division in the military today. People now enlist into the military primarily for first aid. Without first aid soliders who are abroad in other countries wouldnt be able to recieve proper care for wounds and disease at a quick pace. First aid allows soldiers to be taken care of on the front lines of the battlefield allowing them to stay overseas for minor injury instead of being shipped home for care. The technology today used for first aid has made it sucsessful to keep soldiers alive at a higher rate ever before as well as keep them healthy while abroad in different countries where they are suseptible to different dieases.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

AllQuiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers

All Quiet On The Western Front, written by Erich Maria Remarque, takes place in France during World War I. Paul Baumer, the narrator, was a young man who was fighting for his country, Germany. Paul was only 18 years old when the book first begins. Remarque starts the story with Paul and all of the soldiers in his company just finished with heavy front line fighting against the English and the French. He goes on in the story to explain the life of a soldier in World War I. Sometimes it was scary, funny, sad, boring, dirty, upsetting, life-threatening, but throughout ones company there was a special togetherness between the men in that company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paul was a young man just out of school when he enlisted to fight for â€Å"the Fatherland,† Germany. One of his good childhood friends, Franz Kemmerich, volunteers with him to become a soldier and becomes Paul’s first experience with death when he dies from a leg amputation early in the war. Paul sat by him and watched him slowly pass away and realizes that war is real and brutal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paul finds comfort with the other men in his company including Albert Kropp, Muller, and Tjaden; but the most important fellow soldier was Kat. He was a veteran soldier who knew how to survive in a war and with loss. He gave lots of advice and support to Paul during these rough times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The setting of this story takes place in France and Germany during the years 1916-1918. Remarque, the author was a veteran soldier in World War I, and he had experienced all of what Paul goes through.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He vividly illustrates life in the trenches. I could picture the dirt, the mud, the earth, the rats. I could imagine the shells going over my head missing my trench by inches, and he bullets whistling by my ears and just missing me. He explains how you may have long days off with no fighting and you have plenty of time on your hands to where the next day you get no sleep and are shooting for hours at a time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both the fighting and the down time help these men create a camaraderie that only they understand between each other. This bond between them comes about because of many different reasons. One of these reasons is because they are fighting on the same â€Å"team† against an enemy (the French and English). And if they want to accomplish their goals they have to depend on each other to do so. They are a team, a AllQuiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers All Quiet On The Western Front, written by Erich Maria Remarque, takes place in France during World War I. Paul Baumer, the narrator, was a young man who was fighting for his country, Germany. Paul was only 18 years old when the book first begins. Remarque starts the story with Paul and all of the soldiers in his company just finished with heavy front line fighting against the English and the French. He goes on in the story to explain the life of a soldier in World War I. Sometimes it was scary, funny, sad, boring, dirty, upsetting, life-threatening, but throughout ones company there was a special togetherness between the men in that company.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paul was a young man just out of school when he enlisted to fight for â€Å"the Fatherland,† Germany. One of his good childhood friends, Franz Kemmerich, volunteers with him to become a soldier and becomes Paul’s first experience with death when he dies from a leg amputation early in the war. Paul sat by him and watched him slowly pass away and realizes that war is real and brutal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paul finds comfort with the other men in his company including Albert Kropp, Muller, and Tjaden; but the most important fellow soldier was Kat. He was a veteran soldier who knew how to survive in a war and with loss. He gave lots of advice and support to Paul during these rough times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The setting of this story takes place in France and Germany during the years 1916-1918. Remarque, the author was a veteran soldier in World War I, and he had experienced all of what Paul goes through.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He vividly illustrates life in the trenches. I could picture the dirt, the mud, the earth, the rats. I could imagine the shells going over my head missing my trench by inches, and he bullets whistling by my ears and just missing me. He explains how you may have long days off with no fighting and you have plenty of time on your hands to where the next day you get no sleep and are shooting for hours at a time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both the fighting and the down time help these men create a camaraderie that only they understand between each other. This bond between them comes about because of many different reasons. One of these reasons is because they are fighting on the same â€Å"team† against an enemy (the French and English). And if they want to accomplish their goals they have to depend on each other to do so. They are a team, a

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Driving Age

Most people don’t like the driving age at 21, a lot of them are teens. A lot of the teens feel that the government is taking away part of there freedom. If teens at 18 are able to vote and, go into the military shouldn’t they be able to drive, at 18 to? In some states the driving age is 16, I think it should be raised to 18 because most, Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 15- to 20-year-olds. I think it would be better, to get your driving license at 18 because if the teen as a job, the parents would have to drive the teen to work and back. If the teen is able to drive it would be a burden lifted off of the parent. The parent would not have to drive the teen everywhere and the parent is free to do what he/she wants to do without having to drive the teen every place. Rising the driving age can save money, gas, and lives. Of course there would have to be certain hardship exemptions. It could not be allowed to become something, just began seeking just to gain a license. And just wanting a job shouldn't qualify one for an exemption. If someone under 18 wants to work, they would have to seek something within walking/biking distance or along public transportation lines. Only about one third of teens work paid jobs during the summer, so it isn't hard to imagine those wanting to work could do so without having to drive. The primary industries affected by increasing the driving age to 18 are the automotive manufacturers, auto insurance, gas and driving education companies. This basically covers the largest firms within the auto industry. The automotive manufacturers would only see a delay in purchases by a factor of three years and only for the first three years that the driving age was raised to 18. The auto insurance companies would hopefully gain revenues by not having to pay out insurance claims due to car accidents created by the 15 – 18 old teens. Gasoline companies would see a reduction in their revenues with the reduction of gasoline usage. Driving schools would see the most significant impact. Short term they would lose business for the first 3 years. If we didn’t lower the driving age from 21 to 18, there would be more accidents from other teen, that are 16-20. Also if the driving age was 18, a lot more people wouldn’t find the need to drive without a license. They wouldn’t need as much money for insurance and gas. I think that the driving license should stay 18 instead of 21.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Brief History of Courtship and Dating in America

A Brief History of Courtship and Dating in America, Part 1 [pic]by The Rev'd Skip Burzumato [pic] Whenever possible, I love to use the word â€Å"courtship† in everyday conversation with young and old alike. It's one of those words with which most people are familiar, but have vastly differing opinions of what it means. For many, courtship is an old-fashioned word. It summons visions of men wooing women with small tokens of affection and asking their hand in marriage on bended knee. For social scientists, studies of courtship usually look at the process of â€Å"mate selection. (Social scientists, among whom I number myself from time to time, will never be accused of being romantics. ) For the purpose of this article the preparation for and proposal of marriage is what makes the act qualify as courtship. As cultural historians Alan Carlson and Beth Bailey put it in the Mars Hill Audio Report, Wandering Toward the Altar: The Decline of American Courtship, prior to the early 20 th century, courtship involved one man and one woman spending intentional time together in order to get to know each other with the expressed purpose of evaluating the other as a potential husband or wife. The man and the woman usually were members of the same community, and the courting usually was done in the woman's home in the presence (and under the watchful eye) of her family, most often Mom and brothers. However, between the late 1800s and the first few decades of the 1900s the new system of â€Å"dating† added new stages to courtship. One of the most obvious changes was that it multiplied the number of partners (from serious to casual) an individual was likely to have before marriage. So, one important point to understand right up front (and about which many inside and outside the church are confused) is that we have not moved from a courtship system to a dating system, but instead, we have added a dating system into our courtship system. Since most young adults will marry, the process employed in finding a husband and wife is still considered courtship. However, an extra layer, what we call â€Å"dating,† has been added to the process of courting. If you are familiar with computer programming terminology, you can liken dating to a sub-routine that has been added to the system of courtship. Over the course of this two-part article, I would like to trace how this change occurred, especially concentrating on the origin of this dating â€Å"subroutine. † Let me begin by briefly suggesting four cultural forces that assisted in moving mate selection from, as Alan Carlson puts it, the more predictable cultural script that existed for several centuries, to the multi-layered system and (I think most would agree) the more ambiguous courtship system that includes â€Å"the date. The first, and probably most important change we find in courtship practices in the West occurred in the early 20th century when courtship moved from public acts conducted in private spaces (for instance, the family porch or parlor) to private or individual acts conducted in public spaces, located primarily in the entertainment world, as Beth Bailey argues in her book, From Front Porch to Back Seat: Courtship in Twentieth Century America. Bailey observes that by the 1930s and 40s, with the advent of the â€Å"date† (which we will look at more fully in the next installment) courtship increasingly took place in public spaces such as movie theaters and dance halls, removed by distance and by anonymity from the sheltering and controlling contexts of the home and local community. Keeping company in the family parlor was replaced by dining and dancing, movies, and â€Å"parking. † A second cultural force that influenced the older courtship system was the rise of â€Å"public advice† literature as well as the rise of an â€Å"expert† class of advisers — psychologists, sociologists, statisticians, etc. At the same time that the public entertainment culture was on the rise in the early 20th century, a proliferation of magazine articles and books began offering advice about courtship, marriage, and the relationship between the sexes. As Ken Myers says in Wandering Toward the Altar, from the late 1930s on, young people knew, down to the percentage point, what their peers throughout the country thought and did. They knew what was â€Å"normal. † Prior to the 20th century, â€Å"normal† was determined within families and local communities, but now a â€Å"higher authority,† with wide-spread circulation and readership, began to form a national consciousness. Thirdly, we see a change in sexual norms in the West. With the onset of the sexual revolution the question arose, â€Å"Why would a man court and woo a woman when he could gain a chief benefit of marriage, namely sexual gratification, for free with no commitment? † (Friendship â€Å"with benefits† is a contemporary example. ) Closely related to this is the invention of birth control. There is too much that could be said here, so I'll be brief. Simply put, with the onset of the idespread use of chemical and other means of birth control, the language of procreation — of having children — was separated from the language of marriage. As U. of Chicago ethicist Leon Kass argues in his chapter on courtship in Building a Healthy Culture: Strategies for an American Renaissance, under the old system of courtship, marriage and bringing a child into the world were inextricably linked. But no longer. With the ever decreasing risk of pregnancy, having sex and being marr ied were no longer tied together. Fourthly, we find a change in the models and metaphors used to describe the home and family. Prior to the 20th century, when we talked about courtship we used language and metaphors of home and family: â€Å"He'd be a good father,† â€Å"They could have such a happy home together,† etc. The new system of courtship that played itself out in the entertainment culture and public square largely was understood and described by the advice and â€Å"expert† class with metaphors taken from modern industrial capitalism. It's as if those who wrote and commented on male-female relationship had stopped reading the Song of Solomon and Jane Austen in favor of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, and John Maynard Keynes. The new courtship system gave importance to competition (and worried about how to control it); it valued consumption; it presented an economic model of scarcity and abundance of men and women as a guide to personal affairs — There aren't that many good men left, so you better get one while the gettin' is good! This new language of courtship had great symbolic importance and continues to shape the way we think, speak and act concerning relationships to this day. Have you ever known a girl who went out with a guy who was a complete dolt but who could help her get ahead socially? (And not to pick on women, it just as easily happens in reverse. Those decisions are based more on economic theory of the 19th and 20th centuries than on any sort of biblical notion of desire for the opposite sex. So, these are four important cultural forces in the early part of the 20th century that assisted in moving our culture from the older courtship system that existed prior to the late 19th centur y, to a courtship system that includes â€Å"dating,† which, I will argue in the next article, is much more ambiguous and confusing. I will also talk about dating itself (including the origination of the word â€Å"date†), and how it has changed over time. ttp://www. boundless. org/2005/articles/a0001456. cfm Filipino Custom and Tradition: Courtship Although they have dated for a while here in the United States, my brother in law has to continue to court not only his fiancee but her family as well. Courtship is one that is still being practiced among the strictest of the Filipino families. This is performed by the male (who is the suitor since it is wrong to do it the opposite way) visiting the home of the female. In the olden days, courtship doesn't start until the male suitor had obtained permission from the parents. This was done with the male suitor being accompanied by another respectable elder and approaching either the father or the mother of the female and obtaining permissions days in advanced to visit at a particular day and time. Nowadays this form of getting the parent's permission is still being practiced in the provinces, however, due to western influences, there are some variations more adaptable to the modern times. One alternative is to make a phone call, asking for the parents' or guardian's permission through an elder to schedule a visit. Another way is for the suitor to approach the parents in a public place, and informally asking for permission to visit. Either way, it is to show proper respect to ask for permission prior to the formal visit. Properly greeting the parents by placing the back of the right hand of the parents to the suitor's forehead is practiced to show respect. This is called pagmamano in Tagalog. When the permission has been granted, the suitor whether accompanied by a friend or an elder will visit the girl's home and offers gifts. Gift bags or boxes of goodies or Filipino snacks purchased from a local store and flowers are generally given. The snacks or other goods are offered to the family of the girl then the flowers and special sweets (like chocolate or candies) are given to the girl. In a strict Filipino home, during courtship, the parents are present during the first visit. This is the opportunity to get to know each other. This is sometimes called courting the parents first and winning their hearts and approval then letting the boy or suitor court the girl. Subsequent visits are then scheduled if all went well during the first visit nd, depending on how long the courtship will last, the answer is given by the girl with the parents' knowledge as well. Since my brother in law and his fiancee have already dated and gone through a bit of courtship here in the United States, what he would do in his visit is to court or meet her family. He brought some pasalubong (gifts) from America which he will give to each family member. Other culture may call this as dowry but in the Filipino culture it is just plain gift-giving. No suitor should go to a girl's home without bearing gifts at least during the first visit. Then he will be introduced formally to her mother since her dad had passed away and also meet her younger siblings. His fiancee and her family would prepare a special meal and he will partake in them whole-heartedly. http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/397501/filipino_customs_and_traditions_courtship. html The Filipino way of courtship is probably among the most romantic in the world. TRADITION Courting under Filipino tradition gives very big importance on the value of respecting the woman and her family and strictly adhering with proper rules set by society for pursuing a lady. This practice which dates back to the Spanish times prohibits men to be very aggressive or becoming even when they want the lady very much. One cannot just talk and approach a lady in the street and ask her number or address. If a young man sees a lady he likes he should seek out the help of a go-between, usually a common friend of both family, to ask the permission of the girls father whether he can visit them in their house. This is the gentlemanly thing to do so the parents will most likely approve unless of course the lady is just a child. When the approval is obtained, the suitor can then come to the house with the go-between who will initiate the introductions to the family. The parents in turn will introduce their daughter to the gentleman. In this stage, the suitor is expected to bring â€Å"pasalubong† or gifts to the family and a special one to the girl he likes. This he will have to do everytime he visits the girl’s house. In the Philippines, when you court a lady, you have to court her whole family as well. In this first visit, the couple will not be left alone on their own to get to know each other. It will just be an informal chatting and introduction and getting-to-know stage between the suitor and the family and making clear of the suitor’s intention to pursue the host’s daughter. After the initial visit, the suitor is then expected to woo  the girl by showing up in her house more often and establish rapport with the her family. This is the stage where he does the â€Å"paninilbihan† or servitude. He serves the girls family in any way that he can to show to them and to the girl of his sincere intentions and love for her, be it by chopping firewood, fetching water from the well, etc. It is a way of saying â€Å"I will do anything to prove my love for you†. At night, he will sing â€Å"harana† or love songs outside the girls house by the window with a guitar and his friends serving as back ups. They will sing and wait until the lady finally opens the window and invites them into the house. They will then be served with light snacks and they can talk in the presence of the girls parents and the man’s friends. Note that in most times, the couple will be with either friends or families. It is considered inappropriate to leave an unmarried couple unsupervised in those times no matter what their ages are. The process of courting a Filipina in the traditional sense is a long and arduous process. It is expected that a Filipina will play hard-to-get when court because that is the norm. No matter how much she likes the man, she has to show utmost restraint and disinterest. Girls are made to believe that men will value them more if they are made to work hard before letting them have what they want. So after a long period of paninilbihan and a series of haranas, the girl can finally accept the suitor’s love. At this stage, the couple can now start dating in public but always in the company of a chaperon. The man will still continue to come to the house and help out. When the time comes when he feels he is ready to get married, he and his parent’s will have to come to the girl’s house and the parents of the boy will have to formally ask the hand of the hand of the girl in marriage to their son. This stage is called â€Å"Pamamanhikan† or â€Å"Paghingi ng Kamay†. In doing this, they will have to bring with them, lots of food and presents as well as the dowry that they can present to the girls parents. In the Philippines, dowry is given by the boy’s family, not by the girl’s family. This is because we give high value to the women in our society and giving them away is not easy. When the two families have come to an agreement as to the dowry, the wedding date is set, a ring is presented to the girl and the couple is said to be betrothed. A small feast is then held with the food brought by the boy’s family. MODERN Although a lot of our traditional wedding practice is still being observed these days there are modifications and â€Å"evolutions† that has been introduced to it that gives it a more modern version. Modern Filipino courtship revolves more on the liberalism of Filipino youth. If Filipinos of opposite sex were not allowed to mingle in public in the old days, these days that is already possible. These has allowed courtship to be a little more lenient on youngsters. You can now meet a girl you like through a common friend or on a party but never on a street as the same is still regarded as inappropriate. Most parents would still want their children to be courted inside the house though some modern and liberal-minded Filipinas don’t do this anymore and prefers to meet up somewhere else instead, a clear disregard of tradition and parental respect. Modern courtship does not really have a pattern. It could start from a group date where friends would pair friends up and tease them. Friends could play cupid and set a couple up and leave them on their own to talk then before you know it they are going out on a date. With the influence of western television, modern courtship these days are going fast although it doesn’t necessarily have the emotional baggage attached with immediately going to bed. It would take a lot longer time for Filipinos to trust each other to get to that point. It stems on the virtues rooted from the olden days. Modern Filipina ladies are also decisive on their choices. Those who do not really want their suitors would not hesitate on letting them know of this fact. A refused suitor is called â€Å"basted†. These modern Filipinas are only a tip of the iceberg as most Filipinas especially the ones in the province still adheres to the traditional way of courtship. Most families still observes the rituals connected to panliligaw, pamamanhikan or paghingi ng kamay, dowry etc. Gone were the days of paninilbihan and haranas. These days, it is enough that a man shows up in a lady’s house and bonds with the woman’s family. He is not expected to chop wood or fetch water but at least show the girl’s family that he is worthy enough of her love. It is important though to note whether it be traditional or modern, to show your sincere intention of courting by introducing yourself to the family and impressing the girls family in any way that you can. ONLINE We know how hard it is to try and court a Filipina online, believe use, we’ve been there. Here are some helpful tips to go through with it: 1. Try to be as gentleman as possible. A Filipino male sets his best foot forward in courting a girl. That’s how the game is played. 2. Keep communication lines open. Filipinas love to talk on email, on skype, etc. They just want to feel and hear you love them all the time. This is their way of bridging the distance. Filipinas have a lot of insecurities, if you forget to call them they will immediately feel bad or suspicious you’re up to something. That’s true to most Pinays. Constant communication helps. 3. Filipinas love surprises 4. Make good all of your promises. When you say you are coming on a certain date make sure you come on that date. Sincerity to Filipinos is measured not by saying what is right but by doing what is right. http://www. western-asian. com/index. php/archives/30