Friday, May 15, 2020

Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee - 2134 Words

â€Å"Everybody sees what you appear to be ... few people know who you really are.† This saying illustrates that if you appear one way, no one can see who you really are inside. When someone appears one way, you do not really get to know them but when they truly become themselves you can really see who they are and not just who they appear to be. However, they may only reveal their true selves to some people and keep acting like a different person to everyone else, or keep everything to themselves and do not show anyone their true self. Dolphus Raymond, Boo Radley and Atticus Finch in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, all show themselves in a different way. Dolphus reveals himself to Scout and Dill during the trial at the court.†¦show more content†¦The truth is that he is very courageous because he is not afraid of lying to the whole town to be â€Å"drunk† all the time. He does that because he wants to give the town a reason for living the way t hat he does. Scout and Jem have always thought of Dolphus as an â€Å"evil man† because he was a drinker. Jem and Scout have always thought that Mr. Raymond was drunk because everybody else in Maycomb thought of him in the same way: When Dolphus is going through the town on his thoroughbred horse, Jem says â€Å"Don’t see how he stays in the saddle† because he feels the same way as the rest of the town, that he is drunk all of the time. Dolphus takes his sack bag, filled with â€Å"whiskey†, around everywhere and he sips out of it every so often to appear to be drunk. He is also appeared to have had feelings for a black woman while about to get married to a Spencer lady, but when she found out that Dolphus had feeling for a black woman, she shot herself in the head. That is when the whole town thought that Dolphus started drinking. Furthermore, he came across as being considered like trash because he prefers the company of the black people, and he is disliked by most of the white people in the town because of that. That is just how he appears to be to the town of Maycomb, but he is really a courageous and caring man. In truth, Dolphus is a compassionate and brave man and he wants Maycomb to understand

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